Awe hell. We always have Sawsan. She can belly dance and it won't cost any gars.
Dude, I'm going to hold you to that!
Anyways, I got an update for you.
FactoredReality, sboyajian, and his friend (DanGCigar) is definitely in for the 31st. I updated your list, so all you gotta do is copy and paste, unless you want to just Edit.
ALSO, if Jon and I and maybe other people get there early enough, will Sawsan kick us out at 4pm and reopen at 7? Can you ask her if we can stay there straight to the Herf? They normally close at 4pm on the weekends and we don't want to over-stay our welcome if she needs to do stuff between 4 and 7.
Well. It looks like we have a HERF.
It will be January 31st starting at 7

o pm at the Cigar Palace.
The address is:
4815 Eisenhower Avenue
Alexandria, VA 22304
703-751-6444 toll free 888-942-8224
Please RSVP by January 29th.
If you plan on attending, please add your name to the list and re-post.
Bring a 5ver with you for a blind trade.
1) Sweetrice80
2) CigarMan Andy
3) JayBay
4) FunkyCold5
5) cabaiguan juan
6) Atlasm
7) bigmanfromou
8) Big Stick
9) FactoredReality
10) sboyajian
11) DanGCigar
12) jkim05
13) Sunshine86
14) GariGirl
Sawsan is going to give discounts to all and give aways.
Look forward to meeting all that can attend.