Dark Lord Day 2009

I be there on Saturday, that Friday schedule would kill me. :laugh:

I know man! I have been drinking plenty of fluids for 2 months to prepare for this trip! :laugh:

BTW - here is a tentative lineup of the guest breweries planned to be there.

Firestone Walker
2 Brothers
Goose Island
Russian River
Pizza Port
Lost Abbey
For those who are interestes.

Denverdog, mark, jlaudio and I will be doing the following. Times are subject to change.

11am Binny's SouthLoop chicago.

1PM Orland Park, IL for lunch at Ricobenes than to Rock Bottom Orland Park for beer. Possible check out Galway tribes too see whats on tap.

Afternoon head to Indiana to check into hotel and unwind.

7PM Head to Flossmor Station for the pre-DLD party.

Of course everything is subject to change.

Keith I sent you a PM a cple of us are plannig on tailgating.
Of course you're talking about Friday for all this, Saturday everyone will be at DLD. :cool:

Yes so there is no confusion this is the itinerary for FRIDAY APRIL 24th!!

We should be arriving at DLD whenevr Jonas and company decide! Im shooting for a 730 start!!
I be there on Saturday, that Friday schedule would kill me. :laugh:

You should see Thursdays line up!! Complete insanity!
Friday is our relaxation day. We need to be ready for Sat. :thumbs:
Just got off the phone with some of the places we are hitting up

Binny's on jefferson!

On tap now:
Surly 16 Grit
Avey maharaja
Lagunitas Undercover
Brassiere Dupont Saison Dupont
Braissiere Dupont Moinette Bio

10 other beers. New stuff will be tapped this week. Not sure what they will have he said.

Sheffields will be tapping this week. (just the interesting ones)
Beer School Bar:
Three Floyd's Dreadnought
Dogfish Head Fort
Surly Two
Sheffield's Front Bar:
Surly Three
New Belgium Eric's Ale (lips of faith #3)
Cask of Three Floyd's Alpha King

Risque Cafe:
Lagunitas OldGnarley wine
Avery Maharaja
Goose Island BCS
Goose Island Juliet
FFF Gumball Head

Menu is excessive..9so just the interesting ones)
Goose Island Nightwalker Stout
Bells two hearted
Victory Prima Pils
Surly 3
Dogfish Head Aprihop
Southern Tier Chokolat Stout
Goose Perre Jacques
Goose Matilda
Avery/Russian River Collaboration not Litigation

Maproom (just the interesting ones)
Surly 16 grit
Surly Bitter Brewer
New Belgium La folie
FFF Alpha KIng
Just got off the phone with some of the places we are hitting up

Binny's on jefferson!

On tap now:
Surly 16 Grit
Avey maharaja
Lagunitas Undercover
Brassiere Dupont Saison Dupont
Braissiere Dupont Moinette Bio

10 other beers. New stuff will be tapped this week. Not sure what they will have he said.

Sheffields will be tapping this week. (just the interesting ones)
Beer School Bar:
Three Floyd's Dreadnought
Dogfish Head Fort
Surly Two
Sheffield's Front Bar:
Surly Three
New Belgium Eric's Ale (lips of faith #3)
Cask of Three Floyd's Alpha King

Risque Cafe:
Lagunitas OldGnarley wine
Avery Maharaja
Goose Island BCS
Goose Island Juliet
FFF Gumball Head

Menu is excessive..9so just the interesting ones)
Goose Island Nightwalker Stout
Bells two hearted
Victory Prima Pils
Surly 3
Dogfish Head Aprihop
Southern Tier Chokolat Stout
Goose Perre Jacques
Goose Matilda
Avery/Russian River Collaboration not Litigation

Maproom (just the interesting ones)
Surly 16 grit
Surly Bitter Brewer
New Belgium La folie
FFF Alpha KIng

Good work detective! ;)
Just got off the phone with some of the places we are hitting up

Binny's on jefferson!

On tap now:
Surly 16 Grit
Avey maharaja
Lagunitas Undercover
Brassiere Dupont Saison Dupont
Braissiere Dupont Moinette Bio

10 other beers. New stuff will be tapped this week. Not sure what they will have he said.

Sheffields will be tapping this week. (just the interesting ones)
Beer School Bar:
Three Floyd's Dreadnought
Dogfish Head Fort
Surly Two
Sheffield's Front Bar:
Surly Three
New Belgium Eric's Ale (lips of faith #3)
Cask of Three Floyd's Alpha King

Risque Cafe:
Lagunitas OldGnarley wine
Avery Maharaja
Goose Island BCS
Goose Island Juliet
FFF Gumball Head

Menu is excessive..9so just the interesting ones)
Goose Island Nightwalker Stout
Bells two hearted
Victory Prima Pils
Surly 3
Dogfish Head Aprihop
Southern Tier Chokolat Stout
Goose Perre Jacques
Goose Matilda
Avery/Russian River Collaboration not Litigation

Maproom (just the interesting ones)
Surly 16 grit
Surly Bitter Brewer
New Belgium La folie
FFF Alpha KIng

Good work detective! ;)

I hate all of you.
Here is the current list of people that are tailgating.

Bob (my Dad, I've totally corrupted my Dad)

I'm going to bring Grills, Buns, Mendolias Italian Sausage (from Kansas City), Bratwurst, Chips, Ketchup and Mustard. I'll also have a small portable table but this will mostley be taken up by a camp stove.

I'm happy with sausage and chips, but if you want to bring something bring it. I will have some cooking beer (Bud) to soak the brats in so don't give me crap, I don't drink it.

Reply in the thread if you are tailgating and not on the list. I'm shopping for food Tomorrow and want to have enough.

Do we want to exchange cell numbers so we can meet up in line? Whoever gets in line first can call others with location. We plan on being in Munster no latter than 7:30.

Here is the current list of people that are tailgating.

Bob (my Dad, I've totally corrupted my Dad)

I'm going to bring Grills, Buns, Mendolias Italian Sausage (from Kansas City), Bratwurst, Chips, Ketchup and Mustard. I'll also have a small portable table but this will mostley be taken up by a camp stove.

I'm happy with sausage and chips, but if you want to bring something bring it. I will have some cooking beer (Bud) to soak the brats in so don't give me crap, I don't drink it.

Reply in the thread if you are tailgating and not on the list. I'm shopping for food Tomorrow and want to have enough.

Do we want to exchange cell numbers so we can meet up in line? Whoever gets in line first can call others with location. We plan on being in Munster no latter than 7:30.


Keith, count me +1 in for tailgating. My buddy and I will be wheeling around a red wagon with a cooler in it.
Here is the current list of people that are tailgating.

Bob (my Dad, I've totally corrupted my Dad)

I'm going to bring Grills, Buns, Mendolias Italian Sausage (from Kansas City), Bratwurst, Chips, Ketchup and Mustard. I'll also have a small portable table but this will mostley be taken up by a camp stove.

I'm happy with sausage and chips, but if you want to bring something bring it. I will have some cooking beer (Bud) to soak the brats in so don't give me crap, I don't drink it.

Reply in the thread if you are tailgating and not on the list. I'm shopping for food Tomorrow and want to have enough.

Do we want to exchange cell numbers so we can meet up in line? Whoever gets in line first can call others with location. We plan on being in Munster no latter than 7:30.


Keith, count me +1 in for tailgating. My buddy and I will be wheeling around a red wagon with a cooler in it.
I doubt that you'll be tooling around in that area as tight as it's going to get, best to get there early and park close. ;)
Here is the beer selection at Galway Tribes, Rock Bottom, Brixies Tap, and Flossmoor Station. I think we have to hit them all up :p ;) :0

Galway Tribes
Allagash Curieux Abbey Tripel (11%)ME
Bells Amber Ale (6%)MI
Bear Republic Hop Rod Rye Ale (8%)CA
Bells Two Hearted IPA (7%),MI
Bells Oberon Ale (6%), MI
Blackthorn Cider (6%), ENG,
Bud Light (4.2%),MO,
Dark Horse Raspberry Ale (5%), MI
Guinness Stout (4.1%), IRL
Harp Lager (4.3%), IRL
Lagunitas The Hairy Eyeball (9%), CA
Metropolitan flywheel Bright Lager (5%), IL
New Holland Dragons Milk(9%), MI
Ommegang Three Philosophers Quadruple Ale 10% NY
Ommegang Hennepin Saison (7.7%) NY
Kwak Belgian Strong Ale (8%) BEL
Smithwick's Irish Ale (5%), IRL
Surly Grit 16 Double IPA (9%), MN
Three Floyds Robert the Bruce (7%), IN
Three Floyds Alpha King (6%), IN
Three Floyds Pride & Joy Mild Ale (5%), IN
Two Bros. Bitter End Pale Ale (5.1%) IL
Two Bros. Ebel's Weiss (5%) IL

Chimay Red
Chimay White
Chimay Blue
St Bernardus Abt 12

Flossmoor Station
FS Simcoe IPA
FS Recession Ale
FS Pale Ale
**FS White Lady**will be tapped around 6pm on Friday (Belgian-style Double Wit)

regular lineup of bottles

Rock Bottom (Orland Park)
Regular Lineup (Light, Hefeweizen, Brown, Red, Pale Ale)
Liquid Sun
Fire Chief
Barrel-aged Naughty Scot
Hop Bomb IPA
**Specialty Stouts (not sure what yet) (1 on nitrogen, 1 on cask)**

Rock Bottom (Lombard)
Regular Lineup (Light, Seasonal Wheat, Brown, Red, Pale Ale)
Dark Belgian Wheat
Imperial IPA
Imperial Brown Ale
417 Maibock
***3 Barrel-aged beers***
*Argus - IPA
*Night Sky - Imperial Red
*La Chouffe - Belgian Blonde Ale

Allagash White
Arcadia Hopmouth Double IPA
Bear Republic Hop Rod Rye
Bells Amber
Bells Winter White
Blue Moon Ale
Cider Jack Hard Cider
Delirium Noel
Dogfish Indian Brown
Flying Dog Barrel Aged Gonzo
Founders Breakfast Stout
Goose Island 312 Wheat Ale
Goose Island Bourbon County
Lagunitas Dog Town Pale Ale
Lefthand 400lb Gorilla
Magic Hat #9
New Belguim 2 Below
New Belguim Fat Tire
New Holland Cabin Fever
North Coast Old Rasputin
Pabst BlueRibbon
Sam Adams Winter
Sierra Nevada Chico Estate
Sierra Nevada Double DeBOCKel
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Southern Tier Old Man Winter
Stella Artois
Surly Coffee Bender
Three Floyds Gumballhead
I am going to be there around noon tomorrow. I will be there with 3 friends from Pittsburgh and 2 buddies from Chicago. I would love to meet up with you guys on Saturday or maybe even Friday in the afternoon. Hit me up via PM and I will send you My cell number. Hope to see some of you brothers this weekend!
I've got some Andygator and Southern Pecan to add to the tailgating on Saturday. I should be in Chicago area around 2pm. I'm meeting my niece for lunch in Rantoul around 11:30.
Here is the current list of people that are tailgating.

Bob (my Dad, I've totally corrupted my Dad)

I'm going to bring Grills, Buns, Mendolias Italian Sausage (from Kansas City), Bratwurst, Chips, Ketchup and Mustard. I'll also have a small portable table but this will mostley be taken up by a camp stove.

I'm happy with sausage and chips, but if you want to bring something bring it. I will have some cooking beer (Bud) to soak the brats in so don't give me crap, I don't drink it.

Reply in the thread if you are tailgating and not on the list. I'm shopping for food Tomorrow and want to have enough.

Do we want to exchange cell numbers so we can meet up in line? Whoever gets in line first can call others with location. We plan on being in Munster no latter than 7:30.


Count me plus 1 in. We are bringing things to cook up and drink. I can't wait!!
Standing in front of line wearing barclay's hat and plaid shorts. Anyone around?
Wow! What a time we had, this years stout is better tasting than last year, the fruitiness comes through big time and not a big alcohol taste but what a kick. :D :thumbs:
:thumbs: to everyone who attended DLD this year, I'd love to attend sometime in my life, even just to taste one drop of that beer :love:

Portsmouth Kate The Great and Deschutes The Abyss are also on my list.

Alright all you bastiges who had the privledge of going to this wonderful event.
Stories, pictures, and beer you've tasted are need for the less fortunate....