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Damn it, hope I don't have to quit cigars.

Ken, well wishes going your way brother and hope you don't have to give up our passion.
well, I just had my one week appointment after sinus surgery. 
This has gone surprisingly well. I have had head colds that were worse than having the surgery done.. Surgical techniques have improved dramatically since my last go round twenty years ago.
The Dr. used balloon Sinuplasty on the frontal sinuses, and 3 D imagery for the FESS, Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery on the other parts.
For the 3D procedure, I had to have a seperate CAT scan done prior. Then, on the day of surgery he correlates his reference points and he can see exactly where he is on the CAT scan, and how much he needs to do. This reduces the amount of work he has to do in there and tends to make it minimal in nature.
This really wasn't bad at all. Didn't use splints, and he uses dissolvable packing. All in all, I am quite pleasantly surprised at how easy things have gone and how well I am doing.
Haven't smoked since a week before the surgery and will wait another 6 weeks before giving it a try. If I need to wait longer, or start slow it's going to be winter here anyhow.
This has gone so well that I am encouraged that I will be able to return to a limited schedule of smoking. Probably better to be smoking less anyhow.
My grandparents, except for one lived well into their late nineties, and I have an uncle alive today that smoked 2 packs a day of unfiltered cigarettes for well over forty years till he had a quadruple bypass so I am hopeful that I have the genes for continued enjoyment of cigars for decades :) .
Glad it is going well.  Cigars or no, hopefully this procedure will provide you with a better overall quality of life without sinus issues anymore.  Don't rush the smokes -- they will always be there waiting.  Best wishes for a further speedy recovery!