I never considered myself addicted to cigars (yeah right), at least not in the sense that cigarette smokers are addicted to cigarettes. Take cigarettes away from a cigarette smoker for a day or two or even three... YOU'LL BE SORRY!
Cigar smokers on the other hand, I think?, can go 1-3 days without smoking a cigar... There have been times when I don't smoke a cigar for a week... I don't go through the withdrawls like a cigarette smoker does.
What does this have to do with Daily Smokes? Well... I enjoy smoking cigars, like the rest of you here do, and I'm not looking for a "quick fix" cigar so to speak (
not to say anyone made it seem like thats what they were explaining or anything - I just want to be clear on that 
) but like many of you, I try to save my extra special cigars for the right moment to smoke and
I wouldn't want to smoke a 10 year old something-or-another from the "big box" at 2 o'clock in the afternoon while watching tv and drinking a coke zero... ya know. That situation calls for a more "expendable" cigar from the ammo stash --- at least, thats my opinion. When I smoke my special aged smokes, I want to be in a nice setting, a good mood, have a full belly, a nice drink and usually good friends for conversation around me. When I'm smoking a "daily cigar" its just that... A daily cigar