Cripes, I gotta visit Jersey? Ironpeddler, I'm looking in your direction...

Secret Santa

CEO, North Pole Inc.
Nov 25, 2002
Whattya say @ironpeddler ? Santa's going to have to swing on by the shore, that is if he doesn't get logjammed on the fricken parkway coming down. Funny thing, Santa used to come down to the shore all the time back in high school, it was the place to be on a warm afternoon if one was inclined to skip school.

Well, your profile rocks, you've got a great list on there and did a great job giving me ideas about what you like. But your 'wish list' is a bit outdated, or at least they've all been fulfilled. What else you looking for? And other than cigars what do you do again? Looks like you're not the only one who hasn't been around here as much lately ;)
Holy sleigh bells Santa! Great to hear from you again this year! Yeah, it's been a busy year for me and I'm sorry to say I'm not visiting CP as much as I should. This COVID thing has me all over the place on business and I'm traveling as much as you these days...clandestinely of course. I don't want to get quarantined!

When it comes to your annual event, I try not to ask for anything I like, more the things YOU like, so it broadens my scope. I'm so grateful for all the friends I have made here over the years and will be happy with anything you would like to send me. I eat, drink, and smoke everything, so surprise me and hit me with your best shot Big Guy!

Merry Christmas!

Guess what!? Yeah, you've got a big long string of numbers coming your way...


You've got a fun guessing game ahead of you, you can place things in order of yellowest wrapper first, or by the number of years since you've last even seen mention of a few of these smokes. And they're all neatly wrapped up in ceramic for you...

Guess what!? Yeah, you've got a big long string of numbers coming your way...


You've got a fun guessing game ahead of you, you can place things in order of yellowest wrapper first, or by the number of years since you've last even seen mention of a few of these smokes. And they're all neatly wrapped up in ceramic for you...

Holy crap about whetting someone's whistle! Now you got me totally excited...Can't thank you enough!

I'll keep you posted...
Well big surprise, my reindeer must be all goofed up on skunkweed and dropped the ball on getting your package delivered on time! Looks like it's on it's way, maybe, as it's been scanned in since the 15th and still moving from facility to facility within the same town...
No worries've never let me down since I was a baby! It gets here when it gets here...

Thank you once again & Merry Christmas to you and Mrs. Claus!


HOLY SHIT!!!! Very cool!!!

When I saw the logo on top and the color of the jar, I was like...GTFOH! No way! Then I opened it and it was like a journey back in time...we're talking H. G. Wells type stuff!!! My God...this is AWESOME! You really outdid yourself this year.

I won't go into specifics, but there's a lot of memories in those cigars...I will smoke every one of them over the holidays!...and the jar goes right on top of my Staebell humidor...I'm shocked you parted with it!

You're the f*ckin' man Santa!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Have a very Merry Christmas!


PS: Love the return address name too!