CP's "Cigar 101" Newbie Pass

I know I already PMd both King and Keith and recieved confirmation that I was accepted for the new 101 pass, but please let this serve as public posting that I am a hankering to be in the new 101 pass. Thanks guys!!

I sent a PM to both, but did not get any replies about joining Class 101-2.

I hope my PM didn't get lost in the shuffle.
Sent PM to both for new 101 class. Received replies.

Thanks guys.

Gotcha, Greg. The inventory was 100% on the money, I made my puts and takes, and it's on the road right this second. Once the nice guys at USPS scan it, your DC will be:

0103 8555 7492 9947 2981

Thanks again for letting me play. A great pass, with great guys, now headed home...!!.... :thumbs:

Best regards to you and the rest of the players - B.B.S.

Wow! I got the pass back this morning! That was fast! Thanks so much for the xtras guys, much appreciated! Really strange seeing the box and knowing it traveled all over the country. Amazing pass everyone, thanks for being a part of it!!
Great job with the pass Greg. Thanks to the professors also. It was pleasure to be a part of it.
Greg, guys, professors....

Thanks for the experience, contest and a great time. This was my first pass and I learned a lot.
It was brought to my attention that the final list of T/P's was not showing up in the thread. I didn't realize it was not showing as I double-checked after my last edit and it was there, as well as the list of participants. I added them again this morning (from work) and I didn't see any issues, however I was again informed they were not there. I have for the third time added the lists and last I looked, they are there. I've also added a link that will take you directly to the file with ALL the information regarding the pass. I will, later this evening, add the list just as text in case anything happens to the photo file.

If anyone has any questions, let me know!