CPFFL08 Fantasy Football


eloquent absurdity
Dec 6, 2001
Folks are getting all anxious about FF this year with thoughts on a second CP league. I thought we should get this one filled so a 2nd could be ironed out.

Okay. The league is set up with last years rules. Anybody that wants to suggest changes in the rules do so. We are definitely going to beef up the RB position. Teams from last year will get first refusal on joining this year. I'm considering going from 10 teams to 12 and would like to hear opinions on this. Also, everyone figure out what you want as an entrance/prize fee.... $50 a man last year right?. League URL and password will be given out immediately but don't be dragging your feet, get your cash in.
You'll have to be logged in to Yahoo for the URL to work but I'll send the League ID and password too just in case you have trouble.

Wolf Pack Big Dick Dan
Swisher Sweeties aj_wasy
Cookie_1978 Cookie
Saint Luis Rey's allofus123
davidr2340 David
Team Jonesy stogieman72
Esplendidos calebtemple
H. Upmanns Alex
S.W.A.T. Hale
Huckleberry samclemmons

I have signed up. I agree on the RB change. As for the entry fee, who are we sending it to?

12 teams will just mean I will win more at the end. :sign:

Let the trash talking begin.
If room, put me down please. :thumbs: Just provide details for payment sending info etc.

There is another thread on this too.
I started one in Yahoo

If you guys can't get in on this one then there is another one.

Very informal. If we get 8 guys there once this one fills up then I will configure the league to settings we all agree on.
As for cost I was thinking about just having places 2 through 8 send a stick to the first place winner.

Here is the info
Since I finished in last place last year, I do get 1st pick this year don't I? :whistling:


I'm all signed up.
Any amount up to $100 is fine by me. I'm not crazy about 12 teams. Adding those two extra teams pull 30 players off the wire and lessons the ability for some teams hope of being competitive once the season gets going.... especially once injuries decimate a line up. That creates coaches that don't coach.

I think we had 1 point per 20 yards for RBs last year..... increase that to a point every 10 yards IMO. Thought the rest of the scoring worked pretty good.

Get a draft time before our choices disappear.
Whatever you decide will be fine... just set up the scoring and draft time and be done with it.

Edited to add: If you played last year and don't plan to get in this year let the commish know so we can add the fresh meat.
Im in.
I would also like to beef up the RB position. Everythihg else worked out well.
I would also like to stay at 10 managers in the league.
Three coaches from last year still not signed up.... do we know if they plan to get in or not?

Team Jonesy, stogieman72
Esplendidos, calebtemple
S.W.A.T., Hale
Three coaches from last year still not signed up.... do we know if they plan to get in or not?

Team Jonesy, stogieman72
Esplendidos, calebtemple
S.W.A.T., Hale
I enjoyed playing last year with you fellas, but I'm going to have to give up my spot this year.