CP Fantasy Football 2 - 2016

Thanks Paul!

Whoever owns Show Me Your TDs please send me your address. I have quite a large collection of cigar bands I'd like to get rid of!
Seriously tho - Contrats to Chester/Jim/Darin for winning. Fantasy football wouldn't be nearly as fun if the losses didn't feel soo terrible and the wins didn't feel so dang good.

I'll be back next year to kick your sorry butts. ;)
Damn Paul!!! Way to be on top of your shit. THANK YOU for acting as our bank this year AND for being so fast to get out the winnings, way to go!

And Congrats to Jimmy for taking 1st this year! Chester finished in 2nd and Darin closed out the top 3. And bringing up the rear...Aaron! "Show me your TDs" was shown alot this season :)

Thanks everyone for playing this year; overall this was a bad year FFL for me, so I am glad its just over....
All boxes were dropped at the PO today. Beware we are getting crushed with snow and rain so it may slow the shipping.

Please let me know when you all get the winnings.

See you guys next year!

Thank you,
Thanks Paul!

Whoever owns Show Me Your TDs please send me your address. I have quite a large collection of cigar bands I'd like to get rid of!

Haha pm incoming. Even tho I don't deserve anything, but a toilet bowl.
Of course we are going again! I am just getting back from vaca and seeing this now. I will still be playing/hosting our CP Yahoo league. But yes, I did resign from the ESPN league.