CP Cigar Contest - Saltine Challenge


Nov 16, 2011
Just one way to show my gratitude for everyone's generosity.
Your Challenge: To take in and swallow 6 salted saltine crackers in 60 seconds.
1. You must eat 6 entire saltine crackers. They can be whole or crumpled but must be complete.
2. Your mouth must be empty before putting the crackers in your mouth. While the crackers are in your mouth, you must not add any other substance in your mouth until it is completely swallowed.
3. You will have 60 seconds from the time the saltines goes in until the time in which they are completely swallowed.
5. You must videotape the complete process and post the link to this thread.
First successful winner receives a 5-pack of premium sticks.
For everyone's entertainment, feel free to post failed attempts as a bonus prize will also be given out.
For everyone's inspiration
Ok, perhaps this is a stupid question... but how in the world do you swallow cinnamon without chewing.
Wouldn't you have to essentially chew, to get it to the back of your throat to swallow??
Even if you just used your tounge to somehow push it back, it would still look like you were chewing, wouldn't it??
IMHO this is a bad Idea I have seen this go bad quickly! Yes most of it is all fun and games but if you have any lung problems or you are a SMOKER Do not attempt this! The very fine dust of the cinnamon gets sucked into the lungs very easily and can permanently damage the lungs. 
Hm.. Wikipedia does say it's dangerous. Didn't realize this... Well maybe I should reconsider this.
Uh, yeah, I'd reconsider this one.  
There's something seriously wrong with that guy in the video. Asking someone to attempt something that can harm them should not be a contest held on CP.  Eating a hot pepper only induces heat, and there are no known facts to support that a habanero would be harmful by any means.
I would advise anyone against attempting this.
It might be a bad idea, but thank you for introducing me to Sqweezy Jibbs.  The ten things he learned in prison might have been the funniest thing I've see yet this year.  "I told Peanut I was invisible"!   Priceless.
Yes, I agree with the others.  This is something that can turn really dangerous fast.  Cinnamon in your lungs is not a good thing.  Skweezy Jibs was a dumass.
OK I have done this a few years ago and I can personally say it is a bad experience. It took several glasses of water swallowed and sniffed as the cinnamon went through my nose and filled my sinuses. I wouldn't wish my experience on anyone.
This is my kind of stupid. I wish I had the time to deal with it.
I heard that... I just went looking for them & low & behold, Nada!!
I'm gonna give this a go, gonna be hanging out with CJ (Wkoti) tomorrow and this should provide some entertainment!!!

CMontoya79 said:
I'm gonna give this a go, gonna be hanging out with CJ (Wkoti) tomorrow and this should provide some entertainment!!!

Awesome! I promise it's not life threatening either! Try as many times as is necessary!
CMontoya79 said:
I'm gonna give this a go, gonna be hanging out with CJ (Wkoti) tomorrow and this should provide some entertainment!!!

I'm looking forward to this!
Flaky flakerton, as he's known locally, known on CP as CJ or (Wkoti) woke up sick today so, change of plans, I'm flying solo on this and will be posting vid later.

Ouch! I just didn't want to pass anything along to the Mrs. but feel free to stop by you know you're welcome!
We've agreed to HERF at another opportunity in a couple weeks. CJ, you're alright in my book.

CMontoya79 said:
Flaky flakerton, as he's known locally, known on CP as CJ or (Wkoti) woke up sick today so, change of plans, I'm flying solo on this and will be posting vid later.

Come on CJ, regardless of the reason (it was a wise one)... that was funny!!  :laugh: