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COVID-19 vaccine, you getting it?

Got my second Pfizer shot Wednesday. Didn’t feel like myself yesterday. Was pretty achy. By last night I was in a lot of pain in the arm I got the shot in, and the lymph node under my armpit swelled up to what feels about the size of a tennis ball. Still just as big today, it’s still painful.
I got my 2nd Pfizer does on Tuesday....arm was very sore, felt very bad the next day with a headache and body aches but no swelling. Felt fine on Thursday.
I got my 2nd Pfizer does on Tuesday....arm was very sore, felt very bad the next day with a headache and body aches but no swelling. Felt fine on Thursday.
Yeah, I feel fine today, aside from the pain in that lymph node
I’m getting J&J on Sunday morning. Anyone have any reaction to that government chip yet?
Got my second Pfizer shot Wednesday. Didn’t feel like myself yesterday. Was pretty achy. By last night I was in a lot of pain in the arm I got the shot in, and the lymph node under my armpit swelled up to what feels about the size of a tennis ball. Still just as big today, it’s still painful.
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Dude, it’s a 3rd arm that you are growing there.
Got the J&J shot April 1 (yes, I know, April Fool's day). Shot was a noon, had to drive 100 miles to the pharmacy. Felt ok but literally dosed off at 8 that evening. Lethargic on Friday. Little better by Saturday. No injection site pain until middle of this week. But, supposedly full activated by April 15 (an that date does not go unnoticed)

I have not sensed any satellite electro magnetic tinglyness, but my over the air tv signal got better.
A heads up. Some sites in Colorado with JnJ vax had to be shut down due to adverse reactions. They were rescheduled with either Moderna or Pfizer.

Interesting. The Netherlands has just halted AstraZeneca for those under 60 years old.
My wife and I both got the Moderna vaccine 2 weeks ago this past Thursday. She said she was achy just like the first shot, I had a sore arm at the needle location. Hopefully this means life will start moving back toward our old norm.......
The Pfizer chip seems to integrate smoothly into your brain....unless it gets stuck in your lymph nodes on the way apparently! :oops:

Yeah, I worked in the semi industry for over a decade.
They warned us, when you try & put these chips in your arm like heroin, get ready for a jolt. 😅

I'll pass. I've seen first hand the corruption in so called COVID related deaths, and how hospitals get paid a shit load of money for marking a patient "covid" even though they weren't. The corruption is disgusting. Funny how there were no (or very few) flu cases this year, isn't it???

I've also witnessed firsthand vaccine injuries. I have little faith in Big Pharma. They make their money off of disease by masking symptoms (which create other symptoms), not solving them. I am 100% American and have more faith in Traditionally Chinese Medicine than I do Western Medicine. God put medicine on this earth to cure most any disease naturally through plants. Yeah, I sound like a hippie, right? Well, I'm not. I am just very well-educated on plant medicine.

I know several well-established physicians who are not getting the vaccine and also warn against it. Like Bill said, this is a brand new "technology" that has never been tried before. Doesn't even have FDA approval (not that it would make me change my mind).

Funny how big tech is censoring everything so much, especially when it comes to vaccines. Censorship only occurs when someone is trying to hide the truth.

It's also clearly stated that you can't sue a pharmaceutical company if you are permanently damaged or die from the vaccine. Your case might go to a vaccine injury court, and the chances of winning are very slim.

I completely respect everyone's choice to get or not get the vaccine. After having put literally thousands of hours in studying vaccines over the past 5+ years, my decision is a well-educated one.

Also, Bill Gates is a disgusting POS who is nothing more than a control freak. Read about him, and you'll see his vaccines killed and injured thousands of people in 3rd world countries. Additionally, he is a eugenic (like his father) and wants to see world population be reduced significantly. I've used his shitty OS for years, and experienced all of the bugs that come along with it. The guy can't write solid code, yet you'd trust him with a vaccine? On the plus side, Microsoft has drastically improved their software since Satya took over; huge improvement in so many ways.

Bill Gates is banned from numerous countries after having killed/injured/made sterile 10's of thousands of people with his lame vaccines. Now he wants to control our sun and reduce the amount of solar energy coming from the sun. Additionally, he is now the largest farm owner in the world, as he wants to control the people with his GMO crops. He also just bought up a bunch of rail lines.

I encourage you to do your research before injecting yourself with chemicals, and know exactly what chemicals they are injecting in you. Most people don't even bother to look at the ingredients in a vaccine.

Look at the VAERS website; quite sad to see how many reports are submitted every day because of vaccine injuries. Funny how autism is drastically rising, isn't it? When I was a kid, I only had a handful of vaccines. Today, kids get over 150 vaccines, many of which are multiple vacs in one shot. And this isn't related to the drastic increase in autism? Sure. ;)

In any case, I hesitated even making this post, because it certainly is in the gray area of our established rules, however I hope you can respect my thoughts, as I respect yours. I'll never get angry at someone who tells me I'm wrong or things I'm crazy, or calls me an anti-vaxer. I will however ask you, how many hours of research did you put into vaccines? And the big question, do you even know the ingredients they are injecting you with?

Be safe everyone, and do what your gut tells you to do.