coolerdor smell


May 20, 2004
after the coolidor is up and running should it have a smell of the PG very strong or did i dosometing wrond
since nobody got any time to reply(probably smokin those illegal ceegars) i'll go with the one reply igot,gonna buy some beads from famous. will this work alright :D
I use beads also. Are you experiencing what I am here in humid Florida? For instance, I have 3/4 of a pound of beads in a 52 cooli and the humidity in the cooli is still above 70%; even while using 65 beads (no water at all/dry)???
I have the same situation with high humidity. Rarely gets below 70% RH here.
I'm using 65% beads. I also have put a lot of boxes in the cooler and keep my cigars spread out.
Make sure there is plenty of space for air to circulate.

yeah thats what i meant climaxx couldnt remember where i saw it at. yall should of warned about doing a search for them and make sure you put 2 xx. i saw what came up and know yall wasnt putting them with your cigars :D
Scott Bushey said:
I use beads also. Are you experiencing what I am here in humid Florida? For instance, I have 3/4 of a pound of beads in a 52 cooli and the humidity in the cooli is still above 70%; even while using 65 beads (no water at all/dry)???
Actually Scott no, don't have that problem, i've got 1 lb. of the 70% beads in my 120qt cooler and my hygro reads 63% and 1 lb. of the 65% beads in my other 120qt cooler and that one reads 60% with the same hygro, i believe it's because i got my A/C at about 72 degrees, not sure but the stogies are smoking just fine.