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Converting a sauna

Ya might want to cover the walls w/ Spanish Cedar as well. I'm sure it will get pretty pricey. Nice idea though.
bfreebern said:
"Shit was carried all over that place. Who knows what the hell is on those walls, let alone the benches."
sounds like a line from CSI or Law & Order SVU :D
I'd recover in Spanish cedar and go for it... With it located in the basement, you've also got a perfect smoking lounge with convenient access.

We can't have basements here in Florida (water table), but that would be the way I'd go if it were me.
AdvAutoBob said:
I'd recover in Spanish cedar and go for it... With it located in the basement, you've also got a perfect smoking lounge with convenient access.

We can't have basements here in Florida (water table), but that would be the way I'd go if it were me.

Sadly no smoking lounge in the basement. No smoking in the house for me.
LilBastage said:
AdvAutoBob said:
I'd recover in Spanish cedar and go for it... With it located in the basement, you've also got a perfect smoking lounge with convenient access.

We can't have basements here in Florida (water table), but that would be the way I'd go if it were me.

Sadly no smoking lounge in the basement. No smoking in the house for me.

Well then...see if you can convert the sauna into a smoking a room.

And thanks for making me now wonder about sitting on the sauna benches at the club. I know who has been there, and that just doesn't help. Even a towel couldn't protect from some of those guys.
From One Alan to Another Alan (and I am glad you spell it correctly)

Whether you use it for a sauna or walk in....a good sanding of the surface would certianly go a long way from removing "any remants of the previous owners"

I think it would make a geat walk in.
Pompous Pugs said:
Well then...see if you can convert the sauna into a smoking a room.

Thought of that, but it would be quite small. If I take out the benches and work out a ventilation system. . .WAIT A MINUTE!! That might work! I couldn't use it for both, obviously, but a smoking room just might be the ticket.

And thanks for making me now wonder about sitting on the sauna benches at the club. I know who has been there, and that just doesn't help. Even a towel couldn't protect from some of those guys.


Sorry about that :whistling:
CigarAl said:
From One Alan to Another Alan (and I am glad you spell it correctly)

Is there another way?? ;)

I thought about sanding down the benches, but I doubt we would use it much as a sauna anyway. We're just not sauna people. It wasn't really a selling point to us, it was just kind of there.
Matty_Vegas said:
you could call it your "Cigar tomb"

I would prefer to have it be known as "The Vault" :)