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Even though Mr Anderson told me it was not necessary to purchase anything extra on his behalf or whatnot....I can see that this has already generated some hatred for some unknown reason. First of all the contest was supposed to play out while I was on vacation and I didn't figure that someone would guess correctly so quickly. That being the case...It is free stuff....and he will get his free stuff. I am good on my word and I have told Mr Anderson that when I return to Kodiak (where my humidor is) that I would mail out the sticks. However, since certain people are obviously reading more into this than it really...I've ordered the sticks online and will have them shipped to Mr Anderson.

I do not have a tracking number as of yet but I will post this screenshot of the order invoice...(when I figure out how)

The thing that bothers me the most about this is that people are trying to discredit me publicly on a free giveaway. I can see if it took me a while to make good on a purchase or a trade but it was a contest. Next time I know not to post a contest before I go on vacation....my bad.

Sticks are on their way.

Edited because my picture link failed me. I will post the pic when I figure out how aparrently.
Would you feel the same way if you didn't receive your SS gift until February? Although it wasn't a trade it is a matter of etiquette. If it is going to take you a while state that up front. At the very least communicate what is going on, a month is totally absurd without communication. Look at the flip side also, what if he isn't sure if it got lost/stolen/someone is dicking with his mail? While I certainly wouldn't run someone off or add them to the list for being late on sending out contest winnings, it would raise my concerns about what would happen in a trade if things got inconvenient.
Well we already know I have made good on the trades/ purchases that I was a part of. Also my being late because of vacation was stated to mr Anderson in a pm. On the flipside he knows they weren't lost or stolen because he knows I have not sent them. Also it wasn't going to be til February. It was going to be til Wednesday when I could send them out. But it doesn't matter anymore. I ordered the sticks and he will get them in 2-3 days. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I was trying to be generous. If I do run another contest in the future I want it known now that due to my coast guard schedule there is a very good chance that any of my shipping days can be delayed due to emergency underway periods.
Feynne, look at it this way, it could have been worse. Thank goodness your were not called back to base with 24 hours to report, and found yourself going to North Korea, or maybe sunk by an iceberg.
I can see that this has already generated some hatred for some unknown reason.
How do you figure that? ???

That being the case...It is free stuff....and he will get his free stuff.
Okay... And? Whether it's free, or paid for, or a gift, or whatever, you keep your word. A forum like this is built on reputation and trusting a stranger's word, so it is a bigger deal than just "free stuff."

However, since certain people are obviously reading more into this than it really...
Really? Come on now... ;)

The thing that bothers me the most about this is that people are trying to discredit me publicly on a free giveaway. I can see if it took me a while to make good on a purchase or a trade but it was a contest.
What bothers me is the lack of communication. You can be late on a purchase or a trade, but as long as there is active communication going around, there's not much to fret over. Instances like this that come under scrutiny arise because of lack of something as basic as communication.

Well we already know I have made good on the trades/ purchases that I was a part of.
You are only as good as your last transaction, and that's a fact my friend. :thumbs:

If I do run another contest in the future I want it known now that due to my coast guard schedule there is a very good chance that any of my shipping days can be delayed due to emergency underway periods.
Copy that, we'll make a note of it. :laugh:

My point is not to chastise you Feynnehrun. My point is, be a man of your word and get the job done. I had something gnarly happen to me at my job this last week and I still owed a BOTL on here money for a purchase. I didn't just fall off the map and cease all communication. Hell, I knew life was going to be problematic in the coming days with interviews, evidence, and other crap so I made sure I shipped my end that day. Make no excuses for yourself, but at the same time, don't bite off more than you can chew. This is a learning experience for you both, and getting defensive is not going to help the learning process move any quicker. You're not the first guy on here to do the job that you do and still try to maintain a normal existence, so pull up your bootstraps and move forward. ;)
I understand where you all are coming from but it isn't like I did not tell him I was on vacation

Sent 23 November 2010 - 12:28 PM
Alright. I'll try to get those out very soon. Just got back from sea and headed to Vegas tomorrow morning. If I dont get to the post in time today you might be receiving a package from Vegas :D

Sent 06 December 2010 - 06:02 AM
Not being a bother at all. Sorry for the delay but I am still in Vegas spending all of my hard earned money :p I will be sure to get them out as soon as I can. You might see a little surprise along with them to make up for the time. Have a good one

Sent 16 December 2010 - 11:00 AM
Hey man sorry. Yeah I'm still on vacation, beard and everything lol but I'll make you a deal. I found a smoke shop down here and I'll be sure to pick some stuff up and send it off to you todayish ( gonna find the post office). I'll post the dc when I get it.

No, I didn't communicate every day and didn't say when I would be back from vacation because it is open ended...I don't even know when I want to go back yet. And at $10.99 per night for internet in my room I didn't feel the cost would have been acceptable if I was just going to provide the same "still on vacation gonna send them when I get back" message.

I may be as good as my last transaction....that's why everything I have done on this site has been a success as far as transactions are concerned. I performed the newbie sampler...I've bought things from members...secret santa went off without a hitch. I have not screwed anybody nor have I performed outside what I have said to anyone...Maybe I should have included in one of my messages that I myself was not sure when I would be back, but I also viewed it as if this were happening to me...

I would have probably forgotten about the cigars that I won and a nice surprise would have showed up in the mail. I wouldn't have been overly concerned about them as it was no personal loss to me. However I do understand that he would have liked to know where they were based on his own Christmas plans which I can respect.

The point being that I'm not getting defensive over nothing...I'm defending the fact that I told him that I was on vacation and would send them when I get back. It's not like I told him that I was sending them out today and never sent them out and was ignoring his messages.

Anyways I've already purchased sticks and had them sent to his address...just so you all are aware that I did that at personal cost to myself in order to end this useless back and forth, and to get him his sticks before his Christmas plans.

And I'm sorry Souldog for seeming a little defensive to you but you have to realize....my first few days on the Internet's "friendliest" cigar community were met by you calling me an idiot for posting a vote for my smoke contest. Yes I was new and I was eager to get involved...but you are unnecessarily rude to people. Yes I understand there is a need for a sense of humor on this forum...which if you read my response to your post you'll see that I didn't take it harshly but it did leave me with a bad taste in my mouth and when you jumped in this thread with your "detective" skills and felt the need to post my activity on other forums, I immediately assumed you were here to flame me like you've done in the past...as you said you're only as good as your last transaction and that was your last transaction with me.
Feynne, two things working against, being newbies and not having a relationship built over time with the BOTLs here. They are going to be right, we are going to be wrong (or never right enough). Last week I got into it with one BOTL and the issue was me saying if you (any newbie) filled in their profile, good things might come your way. He came right out and said I was full of pooh. Funny isn't it, you got something, but we kept it between us. Now you have to post your reply email to show you were a stand up guy.

There are certain folks here who, because of their number of posts, or quality of their gars, or the cool brew that they drink, or because they herf together that make you guilty and make you prove your innocence, and the bummer is, when you show your good intentions, you won't see them retract their comments.

Thankfully, there are enough folks here for us to find over time and decide if we want to know them better, and some folks that as cool as they appear, will bite you if you don't cross your I's and dot your T's (and yes I know that is ass backwards).

However, it is an open forum, so we will get the good with the bad and choose to live with it, or not. You didn't do anything wrong except to expect they would understand, and you didn't break any written rules.

So dummy, next time, make sure you cover your azz better.

Watch out for the icebergs.

Woofers and happy holidays.
Pugman, you are truly a fool. Do yourself a favor, stop posting.

:laugh: Tom, I :love: you buddy!!

Feynnehrun, I am an idiot alot of times myself (ask any of these jokers on here and they'll be sure to back up my claims!) so I apologize for calling you that. :D I suppose my mother breastfed me too long or my dad didn't hug me enough. :sign:

All joking aside, I can take when I'm wrong, so sorry for skewing your impression of this zoo. ;)
I really didn't want this whole thing to turn into a bitch fest but the point that seems to be missed is all that I expected was communication. If you weren't sure when you were going to be back from vacation then all you had to do was say so. I mean you have to have some sort of idea as to when you have to be back in Alaska. I've read enough of these types of threads to know that if given enough rope people will hang themselves. That being said, I'm going to try and not hang myself but I'll just point out the fact that there were several days that came and went in which my PM's were seemingly, note I said seemingly, ignored while you logged in to check other posts (see the secret Santa post yesterday when I had sent you a PM on the 16th). You obviously had internet access to send a simple note that could have said "Hey, I'm still living it up in Vegas. In fact I like it here so much I'm going to stay for another month and I'll get you you're sticks then" and I would have been cool with that.

I'm not saying that you're an asshat or a scumbag or a prick or anything like. I appreciate your generosity and grateful to have won your contest.
Talk about forum police, you two should know. Better idea, if you see it's from me, don't read it.

Soul dog, nice move on your part.
Souldog I appreciate your response greatly and respect you a lot for what you said. I apologize for being defensive.

MrAnderson. I apologize for the miscommunication and I will do my best in the future to update people. I didn't think my updates would have been important because they would have all said the same thing. I do admit to havin placed priority on secret Santa threads over updating you just because I didn't want to be the douchebag to screw up secret Santa.

Pugman you have extremely great to me during my time here and you are a true BOTL. Thank you for being there to help me in the beginning and correct any mistakes I might have made before I made them.

Tom. I'm confused about your statement towards pugman. I guess y'all have some beef but I have never seen pugman act in any way other than being friendly and generous. I hope you can work out your differences and get back to the reason this forum exists.

Anyways I'm sure we can all get back to the daily posting. MrAnderson has sticks on the way. I've admitted my lack of communication. Souldog clarified his meanings and insight has a cool beedog so I think we are all good.
Talk about forum police, you two should know. Better idea, if you see it's from me, don't read it.

Soul dog, nice move on your part.

The two guys you are talking about...One is well respect and tasked with maintaining the "scum bag list" the other should probably be on it.
Talk about forum police, you two should know. Better idea, if you see it's from me, don't read it.

Soul dog, nice move on your part.

The two guys you are talking about...One is well respect and tasked with maintaining the "scum bag list" the other should probably be on it.

Maybe I'm slow but who is "the other" that he was talking about? tomthirtysix, souldog, me??? ???
Feynne, two things working against, being newbies and not having a relationship built over time with the BOTLs here. They are going to be right, we are going to be wrong (or never right enough). Last week I got into it with one BOTL and the issue was me saying if you (any newbie) filled in their profile, good things might come your way. He came right out and said I was full of pooh. Funny isn't it, you got something, but we kept it between us. Now you have to post your reply email to show you were a stand up guy.

There are certain folks here who, because of their number of posts, or quality of their gars, or the cool brew that they drink, or because they herf together that make you guilty and make you prove your innocence, and the bummer is, when you show your good intentions, you won't see them retract their comments.

Thankfully, there are enough folks here for us to find over time and decide if we want to know them better, and some folks that as cool as they appear, will bite you if you don't cross your I's and dot your T's (and yes I know that is ass backwards).

However, it is an open forum, so we will get the good with the bad and choose to live with it, or not. You didn't do anything wrong except to expect they would understand, and you didn't break any written rules.

So dummy, next time, make sure you cover your azz better.

Watch out for the icebergs.

Woofers and happy holidays.

You got somebody, or a group of people, you want to call out directly? Quit pussyfooting around it, and say what you got to say.

Next time you have a thought about bashing the brotherhood here, either pull your head out of your ass and save it, or be prepared to say what you have to say to whom you intend it for. You don't like the way things are done here, don't let the door hit your old ass on the way out.
To lessen confusion, let's say something nice. Soul dog in my book is OK.

Feynne, two things working against, being newbies and not having a relationship built over time with the BOTLs here. They are going to be right, we are going to be wrong (or never right enough). Last week I got into it with one BOTL and the issue was me saying if you (any newbie) filled in their profile, good things might come your way. He came right out and said I was full of pooh. Funny isn't it, you got something, but we kept it between us. Now you have to post your reply email to show you were a stand up guy.

There are certain folks here who, because of their number of posts, or quality of their gars, or the cool brew that they drink, or because they herf together that make you guilty and make you prove your innocence, and the bummer is, when you show your good intentions, you won't see them retract their comments.

Thankfully, there are enough folks here for us to find over time and decide if we want to know them better, and some folks that as cool as they appear, will bite you if you don't cross your I's and dot your T's (and yes I know that is ass backwards).

However, it is an open forum, so we will get the good with the bad and choose to live with it, or not. You didn't do anything wrong except to expect they would understand, and you didn't break any written rules.

I did not bash the brotherhood, I bashed two specific people, you now make it three.

So dummy, next time, make sure you cover your azz better.

Watch out for the icebergs.

Woofers and happy holidays.

You got somebody, or a group of people, you want to call out directly? Quit pussyfooting around it, and say what you got to say.

Next time you have a thought about bashing the brotherhood here, either pull your head out of your ass and save it, or be prepared to say what you have to say to whom you intend it for. You don't like the way things are done here, don't let the door hit your old ass on the way out.
Feynne, two things working against, being newbies and not having a relationship built over time with the BOTLs here. Being new has nothing to do with it. Plenty of new guys are top notch and don't get questioned. They are going to be right, we are going to be wrong (or never right enough). Last week I got into it with one BOTL and the issue was me saying if you (any newbie) filled in their profile, good things might come your way. He came right out and said I was full of pooh. I never said you were full of pooh, I asked if you had actually ever sent something out. Just because someone walks in the door here, doesn't mean they are entitled to free stuff. Funny isn't it, you got something, but we kept it between us. Now you have to post your reply email to show you were a stand up guy. He didn't have to post his email, he just had to answer why it had taken him so long to send out his end and uphold his word.

There are certain folks here who, because of their number of posts, or quality of their gars, or the cool brew that they drink, or because they herf together that make you guilty and make you prove your innocence, and the bummer is, when you show your good intentions, you won't see them retract their comments. Who you talking about Ed? You obviously have people in mind, come right out and call them out.

Thankfully, there are enough folks here for us to find over time and decide if we want to know them better, and some folks that as cool as they appear, will bite you if you don't cross your I's and dot your T's (and yes I know that is ass backwards).

However, it is an open forum, so we will get the good with the bad and choose to live with it, or not. You didn't do anything wrong except to expect they would understand, and you didn't break any written rules. Who is this bad you speak of? Who are the asshats here that you seem to have such a problem with?

So dummy, next time, make sure you cover your azz better.

Watch out for the icebergs.

Woofers and happy holidays.

To lessen confusion, let's say something nice. Soul dog in my book is OK.

Don't back down now. You had big enough nuts to make chickenshit comments, let's name names and get this all out in the open.
Geez, I forgot the positive side to this, I finally made your favorite azzhat list. Like my man Duke, takes balls. Thank you!
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