
I thought I had to much free time! :p

Hey FT, your Member Title states you are the highest passer............... Rio rancho 6715ft :0 ;)
That was fun, thanks for the contest FT. It made me think, now don't do that again, my head hurts. :p :thumbs:
JOE.M. said:
Hey FT, your Member Title states you are the highest passer............... Rio rancho 6715ft :0 ;)
Great, now I gotta think of a new one. Man, what a sore loser! :p
See I was going to guess that the original pic was Dave at his bachelor party :sign:

Sorry, couldn't resist. :D

Do I get a bonus prize for actually POSTING the picture in the first place? I mean, c'mon - there couldn't have even BEEN a contest without me!

BTW, PG: stop stealing my bandwidth! LOL
That is TFF, ROFLMAO. Dave I won't ask how you did that, but I like it, hey :0 you can't see me can you ??? .glancing over shoulder

I can explain the jello really I can, it was hot and everything was in the washer and I was hungry. :D . Honest :) . "Homage to "Real Genius"".
Chalk it up to myself for not being around the last few months, but what is eveyrone's fascination with monkey's and monkey sex lately?


Ummm, haven't you ever heard of "Don't ask Don't tell". We just don't ask Dave about these things, because we just don't. ;)
ParaGod said:
Ummm, haven't you ever heard of "Don't ask Don't tell". We just don't ask Dave about these things, because we just don't. ;)
Always thought Dave was a strange character. Monkey sex and Lars *shakes his head* what is the world coming to???


FatherTiresius said:
JOE.M. said:
Hey FT, your Member Title states you are the highest passer............... Rio rancho 6715ft :0 ;)
Great, now I gotta think of a new one. Man, what a sore loser! :p
Sorry FT............. I will move to a lower altitude! :(
No worries....Here's my new place. Elev. 9253 ft.

Freakin nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Curious though, any Indian restaraunts nearby?

Robbmt said:
No worries....Here's my new place. Elev. 9253 ft.

Freakin nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Curious though, any Indian restaraunts nearby?

LOL...there might be one in Vail, about 30 minutes west (depending on the weather in Vail Pass). Other than that, I'm sure there's one in Denver, about an hour east. Breckenridge is only about 15 miles south of there and they have lots of good restaurants and there's some good food in Frisco, right on the other side of I-70.

Actually, this is a place me and some of my buddies are thinking about going in on together. We need a couple more if anybody's interested. No cigar smoking inside, but it has a niiiiice deck. Silverthorne is in Summit County, CO which has more ski resorts than any other place in CO. Within the county there are: Breckenridge, Keystone, Arapahoe Basin and Copper Mtn. Less than an hour away are: Vail, Beaver Creek, Berthoud Pass, Mary Jane, Winter Park, Sol Vista, Loveland, Eldora and Steamboat Springs. And in the summer there's lots of good camping, hiking, biking, golf, river rafting and climbing.

Oh, and the actual elevation is 8730 ft. I missed by 500 ft.
FatherTiresius said:
Oh, and the actual elevation is 8730 ft. I missed by 500 ft.
You have to wonder if women are right when they say never trust a man about inches or feet :sign:
