

Meat is murder! Tasty, tasty murder.
Oct 25, 2005
A true BOTL recently blew me away with a generous package after I had some trouble with another member here. That package will be combined with my offering making the prize package even greater than I could make it on my own!

!!Guess who said it!!

I'm going to post some quotes from CP. Some are kind of funny (especially taken out of context) and some are a little more serious. Some are from FOGs and some are from newbies. There may even be a banned member in there somewhere ;).

Your job is to post who said what. It's really that easy. I would prefer that you try to guess, but I'm sure the search function will get a work out as well. Please don't be a lazy ass and copy and paste from other posters. The honor system is in play! :D

You have 2 chances to post the correct answers, no editing! First one to get them all wins the prize! If no one gets them all by July 19, 2006 @ 9:00PM CDT (unlikely), the person with the most correct answers at that time will win.

Have fun!

1. “You really don't need to do a box split on this board to make any "contribution". Your contribution to this board should be in the positive way you conduct yourself...”

2. “I make typos just like most others around here.”

3. “It is NOT just the internet. This board is every bit as valid as any other relationship in physical life. There are friendships built here that are real and interactive and just as dynamic as they are in the flesh.”

4. “I don't claim to know everything, I only comment on what I know, unlike others I see.”

5. “As soon as the morning wood is gone, I get out of bed......”

6. “Commando baby, Commando. All I need is a sock and my pompoms.”

7. “Do you think that all the beads and the 3 layers of weather stripping and the weight that was placed on top of the humidor lid will solve the problem that I am having and finally bring the humidity level inside the humidor to 70% this time around?”

8. “Ummmm, cigars/mojitos/tanned hooters? I'm in.”

9. “So, you think you're ready for the hidden pleasures of Moontrance?”

10. “Drink Scotch and avoid the problem altogether.”

11. “It's good to know that there's something in my house that does exactly what it's told (and never talks back).”

12. “Dude, you can keep track all you want. But the only thing you'll see is your chip stack shrinking while mine gets bigger, and bigger and bigger!”

13. “Tastes Just like "Bone Suckin Sauce!”

14. “Actually, the name is Rod, not Rob. So, you can refer to me as Rod the Cigar God.”

15. “I remember when my ex wife used the today reminded me of that!”
PM sent because I only guessed on a few and the rest came by way of search.
Some I guessed some I found here they are

1) ggiese
2) coventrycat86
3) samclememons
4) lee
5) matt r
6) emodx
7) bill clinton
8) bfreebern
9) ginseng
10) avb
11) seadub
12) stevehawk
13) hillbily steaks
14) rod
15) indyrob

Thanks for the contest
The search function makes this a reading/typing contest but good none the less.
1.) Ggiese
2.) Coventrycat86
3.) Samclemmons
4.) Lee
5.)Matt R
7.)Bill Clinton
13.)Hillbilly Steaks
14.) Rod
15.) indyrob

Some I guessed some I found here they are

1) ggiese
2) coventrycat86
3) samclememons
4) lee
5) matt r
6) emodx
7) bill clinton
8) bfreebern
9) ginseng
10) avb
11) seadub
12) stevehawk
13) hillbily steaks
14) rod
15) indyrob

Thanks for the contest

Nice guess cuz I found them all by searching. Was fun to say the least.
1) ggiese
2) coventrycat86
3) SamClemmons
4) Lee
5) Matt R
6) emodx
7) Bill Clinton
8) bfreebern
9) Ginseng
10) AVB
11) seadub
12) stevehawk
13) Hillbilly Steaks
14) Rod
15) indyrob

I just had some fun searching. I had to make a couple of guesses as well like CgarDan. Does spelling count? :D Great contest! thanks!
Some I guessed some I found here they are

1) ggiese
2) coventrycat86
3) samclememons
4) lee
5) matt r
6) emodx
7) bill clinton
8) bfreebern
9) ginseng
10) avb
11) seadub
12) stevehawk
13) hillbily steaks
14) rod
15) indyrob

Thanks for the contest

Looks like we have a winner!

I'm glad everyone at least tried to guess a few. I didn't think anyone would be able to guess them all, so I expected some searching. I hope everyone who participated at least had a little fun. I'll try to do something a little more challenging next time.

CgarDan, your package goes out Monday!! PM me if you need it to go to a different address than the one in your profile.

Thanks for playing!
Great contest, Alan! :thumbs:

And congrats to CgarDan on the victory! How does it feel to be better than everyone else? ;) :( :angry: :laugh: :D

good job, enjoy the smokes!
15. “I remember when my ex wife used the today reminded me of that!”

That brings a chill remembering the Today Sponge...
Grats CgarDan!....dang, friggin sleep, always gettin in the way.
Thanks again for the contest Alan

Just hope one day to contribute something meaningfull or funny enough to be quoted in a contest :blush:

Loking forward to those smokes :thumbs:


Package is in the mail!

DC# 0103 8555 7497 8212 7381

Wow Alan, some of the best smokes I had were in this package, sure glad I won this prize :D

By the way do you remember what was the Gurkha, and AVO in te pack can't tell just from the bands and want to know what it is in case I particualrly like a certain stick.

Thanks a million again

Glad there are some you like in there. :D

The Gurkha is the Master's Select Robusto #4.

The AVO is a Classic #2, I believe. (Can't remember if it was the #2 or the #5, but I think it is the #2).

Please enjoy them and take care!
Well damn, Alan!

Nice consolation prize...thanks a lot for that one and especially for the nice note! It's very much appreciated :thumbs:
Not really a consolation prize per se as you never entered the contest. :D

Just thought you deserved a little something to be sent your way.

I hope you enjoy them!
Not really a consolation prize per se as you never entered the contest. :D

Just thought you deserved a little something to be sent your way.

I hope you enjoy them!

Thanks, Alan! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: