
Looking good so far one of you only missed one. Here is the teaser the prize will be a custom box of havana robustos from cohiba monticristo partagas romeo y julieta and another i cant remember.The box has it's own hydration system and could be used as a travel humidor.

GL all will post answers tonight.

Double D said:
Looking good so far one of you only missed one. Here is the teaser the prize will be a custom box of havana robustos from cohiba monticristo partagas romeo y julieta and another i cant remember.The box has it's own hydration system and could be used as a travel humidor.

GL all will post answers tonight.


The other one is a Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No.2 bro...


And heres a picture for you all to drool over, I was more than tempted to steal it last night lol
I'm going to copy somebody elses answers and change the one I think is wrong.

1) The choke means that certain barrels are constricted (tapered) at the front end, with the amount of this constriction designated as choke. It varies from a true cylinder (which has no choke) to modified and full choke. The cylinder barrel tends to spread the shot pattern of the pellets. The more a barrel is choked, the smaller the shot pattern becomes. A full choke barrel makes the smallest pattern, holding the pellets closer together at any given distance. Mechanical choking devices permit the hunter to use a variety of chokes on a single barrel.

2) Ferret, pine martin, fox and badger

3) Hookers, they don't take anything else.

4) char (trout), grayling, and whitefish

5) Antlers, on members of the deer family, are grown as an extension of the animal's skull. They are true bone and are a single structure They are generally found only on males. Antlers are shed and regrown each year.

Horns, found on pronghorn, bighorn sheep, bison, and many other bovine, are two-part structures. An interior of bone (also an extension of the skull) is covered by an exterior sheath grown by specialized hair follicles, as are your fingernails. In fact, your fingernails and the exterior sheath of horns are made of very similar materials. Horns are never shed and continue to grow throughout the animals life. The exception to this rule is the pronghorn which sheds and regrows its horn sheath each year.

6) No

7) Rifling refers to spiral grooves that have been formed into the barrel of a firearm. It is the means by which a firearm imparts a spin to a projectile to gyroscopically stabilize it to improve accuracy.

8) at the approach of danger gives her note of alarm which sends the little ones scattering in all directions to hide in the underbrush or thick grass, while she diverts the attention of the intruder

9) Traditionally, the difference is "eastern count" vs. "western count".

10)Upland game includes rabbits, squirrels, quail, pheasants, grouse, and woodcock.Geese and ducks are the favorite waterfowl targets.

11)They are a voracious, hard-hitting and hard fighting fish. Large pike have been known to swim towards you after hitting. Most of the time, they strike and take the bait off a little distance, and then turn it head first to swallow it.

12) most eel, blowfish, daddy long legs and platypuss

13) salmon (of the Oncorhynchus family)

14) They all have “hooked snout,” referring to the hooked lower jaw of big, breeding males.

15) All solmonids have soft fin rays, an adipose fin and fine cyloid scales.
1. What is choke a reference to and what is it used for.
A shotgun choke is a constriction of the bore of a shotgun. The purpose of a shotgun choke is to force the shot from the shotgun to shoot forward in a tighter pattern or wider pattern, depending on choke and desired outcome.

2. Which of the following are related? Ferret, pine martin, fox, badger, Squirrel.
Ferret, Badger and Pine Martin

3. What does Mepps pay cash for?
fox, black and gray squirrels tails

4. What species of fish belong to the salmonid family you can answer in general do not list each one.
salmon, trout, Whitefish, and graylings and char

5. What is the difference between horns and antlers?
Antlers are grown as an extension of the animal's skull. They are true bone and are a single structure They are generally found only on males. Antlers are shed and regrown each year. Horns are covered by an exterior sheath grown by specialized hair follicles, as are your fingernails. Horns are never shed and continue to grow throughout the animals life. The exception to this rule is the pronghorn which sheds and regrows its horn sheath each year.

6. Can you fire a shell chambered for a 12/70 through a 12/76?

7. What does the term rifled mean?
Helical grooves known as rifling are cut into the bore of a barrel of a firearm during production to increase the accuracy of that firearm. When the gun is discharged, these grooves cause the bullet to spin as it travels the length of the barrel and thus stabilize the bullet during flight.

8. What does a female mallard duck do when a predator approaches her nest /young?
she is likely to go flapping and squawking away from her nest, as if injured with a broken wing

9. What is the difference between a 4x4 and 8 point in terms of deer?
nothing- 4x4 is an 8 point- just different ways to call the same thing, depending on the area you live in

10. What is the difference between waterfowl and upland game birds?
waterfowl, common term for members of the order Anseriformes, wild, aquatic, typically freshwater birds including ducks, geese, and screamers. Upland Game Bird - Any wild bird suitable for food, including the larger species (such as wild turkey and goose), medium-sized birds (including Pheasant and wild duck) and smaller game birds (such as the coot, dove, grouse, hazel hen, lark, mud hen, Partridge, pigeon, Plover, quail, rail, snipe, thrush and woodcock).

11. How does a northern pike strike bait?
it usually grabs it across the mid-section. swims off with it for a short distance, then expels the bait and reingests it head first.

12. Which of the following are poisonous? Eel, blowfish, bull snake, daddy long legs, platypuss.
Eels, Blowfish, platypus and daddy long legs

13. what is a rainbow trout a salmon or a trout.
Trout is the common name given to a number of species of freshwater fish belonging to the salmon family

14. what do all salmonids have in common.
all salmonids have an adipose fin

15. finish the following old wives tale: when the wind...
when the wind blows from the West, fish bite the best.
when the wind blows from the East, fish bite the least.
when the wind blows from the North, do not go forth.
when the wind blows from the South blows bait in their mouth.
ok contest over answers are up swissy wins. All of you are pretty smart sportsman or good at google.Thank you for playing.
Swissy pm me your info sorry no cohiba thong Mr.I never win those things.
Whoa... I won? I WON?
(SHRIEEEEEEK!) Oh my God... OH MY GOD!! I never win!

I'd like to take this moment to thank everyone... the board here OH MY GOD I WON? for the chance to win, my dogs for believing in me, Alaska Brewing for making their Smoked Porter, the Cubans for making fine stogies, Rod for running the board, the Fuente's for the Opus and Anejo line, Silver Streak boats for taking all my money, my wife for being gone all day, all the fine BOTL and SOTL's here... who else?

Oh yeah! DoubleD for the contest! But never heard shotgun shells/sizes list as 12/70... damn metric crap! :laugh:
Grats Swissy! :thumbs:

I must say the contests here keep getting better and better!
DD- you da man!

Got my winnings today... nice little ISOM Robusto sampler... yeah yeah yeah, Whatever. But what was really cool was the other 'goodie' inside. A huge ring binder with the title- "US Forces, Europe- Guide to Hunting in Germany'!

Way cool... it'll be fun to read thru it and see the differences between Alaska and 'over there'.

Thanks Brother! And just kidding about the "yeah yeah yeah, Whatever"!! Very, very cool sampler- I love Robustos most of all! Cohiba, RyJ, Monte, Party, HdM...Mmmmmmmmmm :love: