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How about Fuente Fuente (guess where the Opus X is :) )
I vote for The Holy Aerolies ( holy areoleee' ) !
hudsonvalley said:
The Evinrudes

For those who have seen Wedding Crashers (one of the funniest movies I've ever seen)

John Beckwith: Claire's mom just made me grab her hooters.
Jeremy Grey: Well snap out of it! What, a hot older women made you feel her cans? Stop crying like a little girl.
John Beckwith: I wasn't crying like a little girl.
Jeremy Grey: Why don't you try getting jacked off under the table in front of the whole damn family and have some real problems, jackass. Hey, what were they like anyway? They looked pretty good, are they real? Are they built for speed or comfort? What'd you do with them? Motorboat? You play the motorboat?
[makes sputtering motorboat noise]
Jeremy Grey: You motorboatin son of a bitch! You old sailor you! Where is she? She still in the house?
John Beckwith: What's wrong with you?
Jeremy Grey: What do you mean "what's wrong with me?" What's wrong with you?
John Beckwith: No, what's wrong with you?
Jeremy Grey: No, what's wrong with you? You're projecting!
John Beckwith: Drop it.
Jeremy Grey: You drop it! You stop projecting on me! Why don't you go enjoy yourself while I go ice my balls and spit up blood.
John Beckwith: Drop it!
[starts walking away]
Jeremy Grey: Team player!
For a while they are going to be HIGH and TIGHT.

MOUNDS / Almond Joy
This thread needs pictures. Before and after pictures preferably. :p

Oh my submission, "The Big Bang". I'm bad with nicknames, only thing I could think of.

2 reasons

What you'd give up to get the new "goods"

And 2 things you'd like to have in your mouth :D