Contest time!

vewyphishy said:
SO close! :p

Congrats Backslide420. At least someone is benefiting from all that b.s. eminating from Bill. :0


:love: CCat!
LMAO @ vewy :D

Yes, you were only off by a few minutes :(

Since Backslide doesn't have his address in his profile, I'll guess I'll have to send the prize pack to vewy :sign:

Don't sweat it Jason, I got your addy ;)
OMG Holly Crap guys. I missed that I won this all togeather SWEEEEEET Thanks CC.. Must have missed it while I was at work or somthing... Holly Crap that is cooool...
cvmfour said:
Did you get the smokes yet?? If so, what kind??
I just mailed them today ;)
I can't remember what was in the box, a couple of Havanas, an Ashton VSG, a CAO MX2 and I forgot what the 5th one was (maybe an Oliva "O" Bold?)