Contest Time Win a Christmas Gift For your Wife

All I am saying, we allow this type of thing to happen every day. Picking on someone that is holding a contest to give something to your wife, is a little strange for me.

You did not answer any of my above questions? If you can please answer them, then I may be incline to think differently. But right now my stands is strong, regardless of how long I have been here.


While you may consider this as a petty case of "picking on someone", it is not.

One member you might want to read up on that forced the forum to implement policy regarding using links in posts and signatures was DaveWF; his abuse of this community's resources for his personal self promotion of services and products are legendary.

A policy annoucement from Rod regarding links can be found here : Link.

The majority of members realize it is common courtesy to keep business and community seperate. Consider how different this forum would be if member's used daily resources to promote their business interests and products on a routine basis. Rod spends enough time keeping third party spammers off the forum, and the regular retailer's respect the constraints regarding self promotion of their services; active member's need to follow simple protocol to keep things fair and balanced as well.
As far as I am concerned Ryan removed the link when asked, right or wrong in the first place he did remove it out of respect. Now lets all quit jacking his thread so he can pass some beautiful jewerly to a lucky member here on CP. I am no way taking a stand one way or another but I would like to see us move on about the link.
Sweetrice80 : If you were aware of the issues that have occurred in the past, you might be less inclined to question the standards now.

Petthefish : Thank you for doing the right thing and removing the link.

All I am saying, we allow this type of thing to happen every day. Picking on someone that is holding a contest to give something to your wife, is a little strange for me.

You did not answer any of my above questions? If you can please answer them, then I may be incline to think differently. But right now my stands is strong, regardless of how long I have been here.


Hey guys,

First, I think what they are trying to say the original post was more of an promotional type post, than an informative type post, which most link a site.

Your post to the link IMHO was just in spite and I think sort of disrespectful. Take note only older members posted about the link, they must have a good reason that us newbies have not come acroos yet.

Its not just their "guys" rules as you put it, but our rules that all us agree to.

I think RP did the right thing and getting with Rod before posting, may be a link to the cigarpass photo gallery would have been more applicable.


My question: where in this quote Did he ever promote his wife's site?
"So my wife makes beautiful hand made beaded Jewelry. And Well we want to share the love with out CP Brothers this year. So here we go.

Tell us briefly why your wife or significant other would deserve a nice gift this year. Write your story tell us something funny, something serous, Something about how great she is.

The Winner will be drawn out of a hat by my son on Sunday evening. And the Jewelry will be shipped Monday with DC# so you have it before Christmas. Good luck to everyone that gets in. And Merry Christmas from Joyce, Ryan, and Daniel"

The guy, just posted the link. Yeah he said "she makes beautiful hand made beaded Jewelry" That is just an introduction into what the jewelry was and where it came from, for the CONTEST!!

Still no one can tell me why we allow other non-cigar related cigar sites to be linked. I don't know about you but every time we post something with a link, its promoting that site.

Out of spite? heck no, I did what I believe was the correct thing to do. I stand by that. Yes I am younger, yes I am newer, that does not mean I get less respect than anyone else. I deserve the benefit of the doubt of why I posted the link, not because you think I did it out of spite.


I admire you sticking to your beliefs, and I am not showing you any less respect than anyone else, I just stated my opinion on how I read your post and how it came across to me.

I actually went to her site and wished my wife liked fishing.

Now that RP decided to do what he thought was the right thing to do, lets move on with the contest, it's a dead issue.

If I may say, I agree to you with as long as that is your intended questioning. Your first post,
At the end of the day, this is a cigar forum. As a purist for the standards established for this community, IMO you should consider restructuring this to be less promotional - the website link is superfluous.
Translation to me is, Website links, that are not Cigar related on CP, should not be allowed.

From that, which is exactly what you stated, I assumed you were "picking on him", was I right to make such an assumption? probably not. But to understand from my point of view, the reason why I thought you were picking on him was because, I see, Website links, that are not related to cigars on CP almost daily.

I was basing my argument, due to the fact of your first quote. If you still stand by your first post on this thread, then could you answer the question, of why I am allowed to promote stuff like, ESPN, Woot, any NSFW, beer, golf stuff, etc. ? Personal gain, more than likely not unless a certain person works for ESPN, Woot a beer company, or a golf store.

That is my whole argument, is where is that line? where its allowed, but really not allowed. That to me, goes against some of the fundamentals of our of what we are really about here in CP.

Plus I would like to mention that, Petfish, did talk to Rod about this to, in which Rod Approved.


Edit: As I was writing this, I did not see the respond from a few of you, wishing to move on about this situation. As you will, this will be the last I talk about this situation on this thread.
Still no one can tell me why we allow other non-cigar related cigar sites to be linked. I don't know about you but every time we post something with a link, its promoting that site.

Out of spite? heck no, I did what I believe was the correct thing to do. I stand by that. Yes I am younger, yes I am newer, that does not mean I get less respect than anyone else. I deserve the benefit of the doubt of why I posted the link, not because you think I did it out of spite.

Because when a link like Woot, a beer link, or an NSFW link as you've used each as examples, are there to show a deal to the guys here, to show something funny that someone wants to share, or to link you to some information backing something they've said. All Kirk was saying was that initially, the post looked more like a self-promotion thread for his wife then a true PIF contest.

Regardless of what you say about posted the link, or what you're motives are, it looks to the rest of us that the link was posted in spite. Regardless of something being your best intention, you need to realize how the rest of the community looks at what you've done.

Not being disrespectful, but yes because you are newer, you don't command the respect like someone like MMM. Respect isn't something you walk in here with just because you've decided to become a member, it's earned along the way by how you act on the board.
My wife:

Last September I volunteered to go back to Iraq. My wife, the entire time, was 100% supportive. She cared for my 1 year old daughter and kept up the house. I was gone for a total of 8 months out of 2008. During this deployment my wife found out that she has early stages of cervical cancer. While this is a crushing blow to us it wasn't a total surprise, given her family's history of cancer. So, she has a procedure done to laser the cancer from her. This goes over with flying colors so nothing wrong there. Three months go by with nothing until October. We found out that the cancer had come back twice as bad as before. Then we find out that she's got a cyst on her left ovary. So she has to have surgery to get that removed and have the same procedure done as before. All this is going on while I'm gone and hardly at home. This year my wife has been the embodiment of strength. She deserves more than I can give but we, as men, will always try to get them more.
When I joined here, over 3yrs ago, sweetrice would have been run out of here in a matter of hours for his lack of respect for a valued member. I miss the old days.

When I joined here, over 3yrs ago, sweetrice would have been run out of here in a matter of hours for his lack of respect for a valued member. I miss the old days.


Ok Ok, this is where I come back not to talk about the link, but to state that, your comment FOG or no FOG is un called for. I guess we forget that, people here are HUMANS, we are all born into this world with a sense of respect towards other humans, and you should expect to get some back. I did not disrespect anyone, If you thought I did Doc, then you obviously did not give me the same respect that every human being by the natural law demands.

Just because a FOG, stats something and I question it, does not give you the right to State what you did in the above. I have done nothing by make good friends here, and helping some people out. Whether you do not want me here or not, is your opinion which should of been kept to yourself, it had no benefit towards anything. Are you not a member for 3 years, suppose to let this die down. I was the one that stated that I wanted to move on, base on what I have seen a few people posted. I followed the respect of each members request and let it die.

It pains me that Ryans, Wife is going to have to see what she thought was a good deed turn into this. I asked a simple question and wanted an answer. Not an answer because I havent been here long enough. Which is why i pushed it till MMM answered my question, which I can now see the other perspective on it as well as JOnesy input. In ending, that comment was distasteful and shows the lack of respect you have towards me, a human person.

Words of advice to new members: If a tenured member (2+ years is a good rule of thumb) questions something here on CP, you can be damn sure there is a valid reason for it.

You may not know what that reason is but you should not asume that you know more about the situation than the tenured member. Because you don't. It's as simple as that. Doc is correct that rice would have been piled upon a few years back for his actions in this thread for this simple reason. I like to think that we've grown above that type of response, but it certainly did have its place and I can see why he would miss it.
My wifey definitely deserves something nice this year. This is most likely her last Christmas/ I'm trying to get her the best present ever this year because, well...quite frankly, she keeps driving me up the wall and I'm going to end up killing the b!@$ch.

Ho Ho Ho....and to all a good night
When I joined here, over 3yrs ago, sweetrice would have been run out of here in a matter of hours for his lack of respect for a valued member. I miss the old days.


Ok Ok, this is where I come back not to talk about the link, but to state that, your comment FOG or no FOG is un called for. I guess we forget that, people here are HUMANS, we are all born into this world with a sense of respect towards other humans, and you should expect to get some back. I did not disrespect anyone, If you thought I did Doc, then you obviously did not give me the same respect that every human being by the national law demands.

Just because a FOG, stats something and I question it, does not give you the right to State what you did in the above. I have done nothing by make good friends here, and helping some people out. Whether you do not want me here or not, is your opinion which should of been kept to yourself, it had no benefit towards anything. Are you not a member for 3 years, suppose to let this die down. I was the one that stated that I wanted to move on, base on what I have seen a few people posted. I followed the respect of each members request and let it die.

It pains me that Ryans, Wife is going to have to see what she thought was a good deed turn into this. I asked a simple question and wanted an answer. Not an answer because I havent been here long enough. Which is why i pushed it till MMM answered my question, which I can now see the other perspective on it as well as JOnesy input. In ending, that comment was distasteful and shows the lack of respect you have towards me, a human person.


Dude, when you find yourself in a hole, you should stop digging.

Btw, I'd like to see a link to that national law you mentioned above. ;)
Sweetrice80 : If you were aware of the issues that have occurred in the past, you might be less inclined to question the standards now.

Petthefish : Thank you for doing the right thing and removing the link.

Agreed, MMM -- and thanks for understanding, Petthefish!

Sweetrice80, honestly, I think you're misunderstanding the intent here... and are a bit misguided on this one.
Nice gesture to the community by you and your wife, Petthefish. :thumbs:
Hey, thanks for the contest! Very nice gesture.

She moved across the country to be with me, she likes my cigar hobby, she puts up with all my crap, she proved to me that a long distance relation ship is worth the trouble and worth the wait, and tells me I've made her happier than she's ever been. I make it my job in my every day life to make sure I continue to do so, and also to let her know she does the same for me.... but most of all..She LOVED the jeep... :sign:

I like this girl a lot.


That's the best picture of... your jeep you've got? And ah, who's her friend? :whistling:
What I agreed to was running a contest in which someones wife had the opportunity at winning a piece of jewelery. Nothing wrong with that. I was unaware that it was to promote another company (was no mention of a link back to her site). If you (and I use "you" in a general form) were fully aware of what one member did with plugging himself only to use this forum as a means for free advertising so that he would receive personal gain, you'd understand where MMM and others are coming from. Not saying that petthefishes intent was to plug his wife's company, however with the past experiences we've had with certain members, it's not looked upon highly to host a contest in which the sole purpose is to promote ones company.

Hope this makes sense...
it's not looked upon highly to host a contest in which the sole purpose is to promote ones company.

Makes complete sense when you put it that way, Rod. I don't think there would have been an argument if it had been stated that way up front.
One member you might want to read up on that forced the forum to implement policy regarding using links in posts and signatures was DaveWF; his abuse of this community's resources for his personal self promotion of services and products are legendary.

As I read this thread I was thinking of DaveWF when MMM posted about him. Could have been worse. We could have been asked to design a logo for his wife's business :( ???

Good offer.

As for my wife, She can't wear ear rings so don't bother but she is a trooper having been diagnosed with incurable cancer a few years back. She is a role model for many in how she has faced this diagnosis while still keeping it somewhat together for the kids. Survived the three year average survival long enough to see it change to five years.

Lets me smoke a pipe in the house and have a VIP lounge membership too.
I was just commenting in a private message to MMM about my somewhat-nascent thoughts on some of the conflict we get from time to time between FOG's and non-FOG's. Forgive me if these thoughts are not fully fleshed out, as they've just occurred to me and I'm trying to put it all together.

In a physical community, new members (children) are raised with the verbal history of the community. They learn about not playing in Old Man Ritter's front yard because he doesn't like his flowers disturbed. They learn not to play down by the creek when it's raining because Jimmy Ward drowned there 22 years ago. It's an organic process that occurs over many years.

We don't have a lot of that, here at CP. New members arrive and don't understand the reasoning behind the rules. When the rules don't make sense, people tend to chafe, and they bend the rules. New members arrive, and many members expect the new members to behave as though they are children, accepting decisions made before their time without context or explanation. In this case, there is a sharp learning curve, and those who don't climb the curve quickly are generally "run out of here" as Doc put it.

I can see both sides of this. Very few people relish the idea of explaining the reasoning behind a decision for the n'th time to Yet Another Person Who Doesn't Understand. Very few people relish the idea of following a set of rules that don't make sense to them. And thus, we end up in a conflict. Again, on both sides, we have people who contribute to a solution, and we have people who contribute to increasing the conflict, and not always intentionally. Frequently, conflict is increased when one side communicates ineffectively, or the other side wrongly infers things based on their own interpretation of what was said.

In this situation, Ryan created a contest and added a link back to his wife's jewelry business since she donated the prizes. Following up to that, several people labeled it as being "in bad taste", and I personally disagree. I would argue that it is against the rules, and those rules were set up due to a slippery slope that the board slid down when commercial marketing on the board was allowed for members. Ryan complied with the rules when he removed the link.

Sweetrice didn't understand the reasoning, and saw what he took to be conflicting evidence of links posted to other sites by other members. The logical fallacy is that the links David mentioned were all to sites from which the posters were not profiting at all. In other words, it is OK for me to post a link to a site with which I am unaffiliated, as there is no possible perception of a conflict of interest, whereas posting about your wife's business carries an inherent conflict between a BOTL's desire to provide unbiased and helpful information to his brothers, and a husband's desire to see his wife succeed.

Sweetrice is a passionate guy, and he sometimes types things in a way that detracts from his main points, and may even appear to be disrespectful. I choose to view his writings in the best possible light, giving the benefit of the doubt. I don't think he needs to be run out of town, though.