Contest time Pics of winnings posted

Congrats on the baby.

March 13th (I know Friday the 13th)

Weight 7 lbs 5 ozs


10:30 AM.

Thanks for the contest.

Congrats on the baby and hope all will be well. Also thanks for the contest

1. what day will my baby be born?
Feb 27th 09

2. Weight lbs and ounces?
6lbs. 10 oz.

3. Boy or Girl?

4. the time?
4:32 pm
Best of luck to you, your wife and your child!

1. Feb 28th

2. 6 Pounds 3 ounces

3. Boy

4. 2 AM
Congrats, it is such a beautiful day when they are born.

I'll say Sat 14th, 7lbs 5oz, Boy (because that's what I am hoping for), time 18:32.

Good luck,
SO has some of you might already now my wife is pregnant and due March 17th but do to some growth problem the doctors say they might take the baby out at anytime. so here is the contest.

1. what day will my baby be born?

Tie breakers as follows

2. Weight lbs and ounces?

then if needed

3. Boy or Girl?


4. the time?

The person who guesses correctly will win a premium fiver. One guess be member and no edits please. Good luck. contest will close Sunday Feb 15th at midnight eastern time. or earlier if the baby is born before then.

first and foremost, congratulations on the addition. Lets just hope you have a healthy baby in the end, but
I will guess:

March 8th
7 lbs. 8oz
9:37 PM your time

Thanks for the contest
1. February 26th
2. 6 lbs 8 oz
3. boy
4. 7:21 pm CST

Thanks for the contest, congrats on the baby, and I hope everything turns out great!
1. March 10
2. 7 lbs 8 oz
3. Boy
4. 3:23 AM Central Time
Thanks for the contest! Best of wishes with your future new born!!
1.)March 7, 2009
2.)7lbs 8oz
4.)5:17AM EST

Good luck, and thanks for the contest :thumbs:
SO has some of you might already now my wife is pregnant and due March 17th but do to some growth problem the doctors say they might take the baby out at anytime. so here is the contest.

1. what day will my baby be born?March 13th

Tie breakers as follows

2. Weight lbs and ounces?6lbs 0oz

then if needed

3. Boy or Girl?Boy


4. the time?13:13

The person who guesses correctly will win a premium fiver. One guess be member and no edits please. Good luck. contest will close Sunday Feb 15th at midnight eastern time. or earlier if the baby is born before then.

Congrats on the upcoming child. And thanks for the contest.
SO has some of you might already now my wife is pregnant and due March 17th but do to some growth problem the doctors say they might take the baby out at anytime. so here is the contest.

1. what day will my baby be born?

Tie breakers as follows

2. Weight lbs and ounces?

then if needed

3. Boy or Girl?


4. the time?

The person who guesses correctly will win a premium fiver. One guess be member and no edits please. Good luck. contest will close Sunday Feb 15th at midnight eastern time. or earlier if the baby is born before then.

Hey Guys thanks for the guesses just because I am excited about my future neice or NEPHEW HAHAHA and don't think enough people have guessed i will throw in a premium 5er witht the same rules as above to the person that wins....SO EVERYONBE THAT IS 10 PREMIUM CIGARS TO THE WINNER LET"S GET SOME PEOPLE INTERESTED IN MY FUTURE NEPHEW or neice.....THANKS GUYS!!! :)
Congrats on the new joy your about to recive!

1. March 1st

2. 9 Pounds

3. Boy

4. Noon!
SO has some of you might already now my wife is pregnant and due March 17th but do to some growth problem the doctors say they might take the baby out at anytime. so here is the contest.

1. what day will my baby be born?

Tie breakers as follows

2. Weight lbs and ounces?

then if needed

3. Boy or Girl?


4. the time?

The person who guesses correctly will win a premium fiver. One guess be member and no edits please. Good luck. contest will close Sunday Feb 15th at midnight eastern time. or earlier if the baby is born before then.

Hey Guys thanks for the guesses just because I am excited about my future neice or NEPHEW HAHAHA and don't think enough people have guessed i will throw in a premium 5er witht the same rules as above to the person that wins....SO EVERYONBE THAT IS 10 PREMIUM CIGARS TO THE WINNER LET"S GET SOME PEOPLE INTERESTED IN MY FUTURE NEPHEW or neice.....THANKS GUYS!!! :)

So now 10 cigars to winner get you guesses only a few days left.