Contest - Show me the info!

Hello everyone. I am the wife of Joe, and I know pretty much all there is to know about him. I might be "encouraged to share" some answers if you get stuck. I am new to cigars, but I have a favorite already: Padron 26 #35, Joe tells me I am not a cheap date! :D
I want to wish you all good luck, and thank you for the opportunity to play!
great contest and I would like to know how much is floating around about me too - but agree , maybe its best to leave the unknown.

Hello everyone. I am the wife of Joe, and I know pretty much all there is to know about him. I might be "encouraged to share" some answers if you get stuck. I am new to cigars, but I have a favorite already: Padron 26 #35, Joe tells me I am not a cheap date! :D
I want to wish you all good luck, and thank you for the opportunity to play!


You may want to fill out some more info in your profile (with his information! :D ) and introduce yourself in the lobby.

Enjoy the Ride!!
You guys gonna let AVB win by default?

So far, he's the only contestant.

Let's give this a day or two more, then I'm calling it and awarding the prize. Either most you have forgotten about it or maybe your are just waiting to get your PI report....ha, ha, ha.

How about contest ends June 30 at midnight CigarPass time.

Well, you are not saying, name a King of England in the 1400's, right?
You are asking us to change professions to sleuths and hackers. Even then,
the answers may not be available, or rather, some answers should not be available.

If AVB is finding this info, then he is one scary dude that
we must respect and fear. Maybe fear is the wrong word as far as AVB is concerned because he is honorable but fear is an apt description for those like AVB that can and do, disrupt our lives.

Yes, exactly. It is supposed to be don't spend a whole bunch of time on it...that's what I'm saying.

I do appreciate the effort so far...a few folks managed to dig up quite a bit in just a few short hours....

edits: typos
AVB is still in the lead. Lots of folks were talking big in PM but so far only AVB has put his money where his mouth is....

It's time fellas...put up or shut up! :sign:

Anybody else?
I went to bed last night after midnight thinking that I won and woke up this morning to find the rules changed :0

AVB is still in the lead. Lots of folks were talking big in PM but so far only AVB has put his money where his mouth is....

It's time fellas...put up or shut up! :sign:

Anybody else?
I had a couple of preliminary entries and I wanted to see if the guys were going to finalize them. I guess the clock just ran out on them. Time to call this puppy!

AVB is the big winner! Congrats man!

PM sent...we'll work out the details of your winning package.

How's 20 boxes of Grape Whiteowls sound? :laugh: :laugh:

Thanks everbody for playing!
Congrats AVB.........thanks jgholke for the contest.
I havent done that kind of searching on someone since the old black hat days on irc. ;)
Yeah,I did run out of time to finalise and do some further searches but thats ok,was fun and I learned alot about you.

Thanks again.
Have a contest, win a contest. I like how this works out :rolleyes: So when are you going to post the answers? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Thanks for the interesting challange.
Package sent to AVB this morning.

DC# 0480 5401 4370 3803 4716

Hope you enjoy. It was a fun package to put together.

I probably won't provide a full list of answers, that's just too much information about me all in one place, but here are a few of the more esoteric ones.....

Q: The number of people I have killed?
A: 0 (I consider myself very fortunate, that way...)

Q: Which is most annnoying?
A: Self-checkout counters

2 kids, 2 dogs, 1 wife.....
I'll be looking for it!

(Just throw away those new credit card bills when they come in :p)
Can you tell us which ones he got correct...... without providing the exact info

This contest gave me a headache..... but it was pretty cool
That's odd. I have chatted with him on seveal occasion when I was a fresh Newbie...he didn't strike me as the type to pull a fast never know, I suppose.
BC114 (and everybody else that PM'd me asking for answers)....

I posted my address and birthday in my CP profile. That gives my age and with some snooping house info (price and purchase date). With a bit of extra snooping you can find my previous residence. Gray hair is obvious from some pictures here on CP. AVB got all that right, he also figured out my full name. He got my wife's name right too. He missed my blue eyes (pictures often show me as a "red" eye), height and weight.

He got the kids (2), my truck (from posts) but missed my wife's new car. He got my hobbies (also from CP posts) and military experience.

I think that if somebody wanted to take the time to read through all my posts just here on CP, they could paint a pretty complete picture. A few other folks found my postings on the Mac-Forum and Timezone (a watch forum). I'm not as active there, but have posted some. I alluded to the fact that I used the same screen name in the other forums in my "hints" poem post.

AVB missed a few things and guessed lucky on a few of the questions. Nobody submitted any personal information on me (like SSN or DL #)...I know there are a few folks on CP who could find that info out if they wanted to...they chose not to play for their own reasons (very understandably, I think).

I don't think anybody managed to get at my pictures hosted on a public picture hosting website. All my photos are marked as public (no private ones) and anybody can view them with the correct link or some good guessing...most of them are captioned and taken together would be equivalent to looking through a family album...lots of info.

I included a few questions like "worst scar" and "tattoo" just to see how much info somebody could dig up if they were motivated, since this info isn't publically available. Nobody answered them correctly. To get these answers would have required some "social engineering". I actually called my wife before she posted, told her about the contest and suggested that somebody might call her and try to get some info from her. I offered for her to be as cooperative as she felt like....At that point, I wasn't sure how far folks would go. She also posted later at my suggestion, but nobody contacted her via email, PM or by phone.

While a nice bunch of cigars is attractive I don't think I offered enough incentive to really get the good info and the extra digging. I think that if I were to rerun the contest with a larger prize, I could really find out what lengths folks would be willing to go to find out my info...but it is probably better left unexplored.

I've done some research myself for other reasons. It's pretty easy to find basic info on most folks. I used to find home information and from there you can usually use public tax roles to find full names and stuff. Sites like 411 also offer basic phonebook info. You can even just Google a name (everybody should Google themselves periodically).

A full set of correct answers was worth about 90 points. Over dinner, I quizzed the family. My wife got every one of them (she even has my SSN, DL# and bank account # memorized!), I missed a couple and the kids each missed several. So the person that knows the most about me is surprisingly, not me, but my wife!

It was fun and I learned some stuff....Thanks to all that played along.
I found all your sites hosting pictures.
The watche collection photos and the other where your surgery on the foot took place.Thats where I saw the red ford f-250,your walker and some great info on the scars,surgery,screws,bones etc etc.

I never got back to you on officially putting the info I found to the questions you wrote but it was fun what I found.

You give up quite a bit of info on yourself as it is in all the forums you go to and the captions under photos.

Again,it was fun,thanks.:)
A nice bunch of cigars is an understatement! You raised the level of my entire stash with the prize pack :thumbs: The trivet is a perfect match since I'v made 2 hexogonal ones from corks that we use everyday. Thanks for the contest and the spoils of war!