Contest for CPI Raffle Entry - Coolest Car

They live in Europe, now. They might appreciate this:


It's the coolest for 3 reasons:
1. It belongs to me
2. I painted it myself
3. Because plaid.

Looking at the rest of your neighborhood, you must drop a lot of jaws as you go by.

:laugh: I would have at least expected to see wooden rims from a wood turner.
You asked for it.!!!
This is my old "Sexcursion" (actual name painted on it)10 feet tall, 18" usable wheel travel. The lift is about 4 feet and believe it or not, it's street legal.

I am 6'4" tall. this will give you the perspective. My building is about 12 feet tall. Just parking this in front of my shop caused accidents almost daily. People would turn & look at it then run into the car in front of them. It has freight train air bags, 44" tires (nothing bigger back then) & 10 switches like a low rider, so it can drop the front, back, side to side & 3 wheel only there's nothing low about it. 8-) Don't forget to check out the drop hitch. LOL




Straight front end, single velocity stack, what's not cool about a Chevy Nova gasser?

Okay, If I just saw the original Batmobile and the Ectomobile, it won't be long till someone posts either Car 54 or the Morkmobile. :laugh: Nanu, nanu.