First of all, this isn’t a debate of how people died so I’m not talking Covid numbers. The simple fact is that more people died during Covid. That’s an indisputable fact. What the actual specific numbers were who knows that’s not the point. Deaths were up.
Second, who said anything about the media? I didn’t get my facts from the media. I always read a media article then click the links to the actual studies done and read them myself or look them up. The media just gets me curious and specially with the population thing I was very curious because it didn’t make sense to me. So I started digging on my own and there were several studies done that I read and one specifically in Japan which they have linked partially to pornography. Less men and women are marrying and having intimate relationships because their theory is that they don’t need them any more. There were many other articles and studies I read that discussed various population decreases and just looking at the anecdotal evidence of my friends all having less than 2 kids (one had 3) and several having none as well as what I see at my church and what not it just makes sense. Are you seeing large young families any more? I don’t see them as often as you use to.
I get the severe mistrust of the media and the government. It’s been crazy the last few years. But dude, you gotta look around for yourself. And not just trust your own knowledge. Challenge everything I agree but don’t just challenge it without doing research yourself and say “I don’t believe it”. Why don’t you believe it? Because you found out a bunch of studies yourself that said otherwise or you just don’t trust and you also don’t want to look it up but you want to spout off your beliefs on the internet