Congrats TBagz

Yes, congrats on the offspring.

I feel bad for your wife though, those little crutches that came with the kid must have been hell.
Congrats, TJ! Hopefully everyone is doing well, and you stuck to the naming arrangements we discussed earlier.
Now you can finally rest easy TJ... NOT! Congrats on fatherhood dude, glad she finally came. :thumbs:
Well I haven't posted on here in a long time but this is good enough reason as any.... Thanks bro!
Congratulations to you on the birth of your baby girl. Enjoy as they grow up all too quickly. Funny that I feel that ay as my daughter isn't even two yet.
Congrats! From one new father of a baby girl to another, get ready for your heart to melt over and over again ;)
Congrats TJ, I hope that the ladies in your life are both doing fine now...... :) :thumbs: :cool:
Thanks guys! Can't wait to get her home. She was almost 4 weeks early so they want to keep her here for 2 days even though she has no problems. Just more for them to bill me I spose. I will post pics when I am home. The hospitals network blocks me from getting on CP and any other website worth getting on. Hell I can't even get on ebay or ESPN.