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Complete destruction!


Staff member
Jan 4, 2001
So we're inside and all of a sudden my wife hears a loud thump out on the front porch. She opens the door, and is greeted with approximately 40 bombs! I won't go into detail about the destruction this has caused, rather I'll post some pictures. ;)

I'm still trying to climb out from under the rubble, you guys hit me hard and I was certainly not expecting this!

Once I make my way through defusing all of the bombs, I'll post some more pictures.

Oh, and I noticed some were infused in spray foam; thanks... :rolleyes:

Most of the boxes have a return address of Sensations (adult novelty store down the street). My mailman must really be wondering now...

Seriously, thanks for the bombs, I truly appreciate it. :)






I'm thinking that is just round one....You had better be prepared to kiss some major USPS ass after all the dust settles...Just sayin....
I'm thinking that is just round one....You had better be prepared to kiss some major USPS ass after all the dust settles...Just sayin....

Sage words.

Adult novelties and an affinity for cigars? Bet they throw a wicked party. :whistling:
I'm thinking that is just round one....You had better be prepared to kiss some major USPS ass after all the dust settles...Just sayin....

I agree. I count about 45 boxes. This bomb was "Death by 100 cuts" I'd say you should expect a few more.
Well Deserved!!! Thanks for having and maintaining a place for us all to come!
Seeing your desk buried under that many bombs is so great! Well deserved. Going to be a long night opening boxes...
Way to restock the humi!

[sub]Do you have enough appendages left that you can negotiate a peace settlement with the NewB's? :laugh: [/sub]

[sub]The membership is exhausted from warring. :whistling: [/sub]

[sub]Please help!![/sub]