Commemorative Smokes for the 50th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution

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I would like to comment, but I'm afraid that I will just open up another can of worms. As I've said, I'm honestly not here to troll, so I'll avoid politics and stick with cigars from here on out.

With a name like Karlos Marxos, this is one of the funniest things I've read.

PM me your addy and I'll get you out some smokes!

Don't forget the avatar pic of Marx!

This guy is nothing but a commie troll! Period end of story.

Yes, I know; I'm always controversial, but that's just me. I am indeed a communist, and I see no sense in hiding it; it's bound to be found out sooner or later, and what would you think of me then? It would only look more conspicuous and suspicious. But I'm no troll. C'mon! Trolls go to much greater lengths to be subtle and manipulative. Open communists just can't make very good trolls! At least, not in this setting. Think about it!
Since you ARE INDEED a commie, I hope you enjoy your stay in this country. I hope you enjoy the freedoms that others provide FOR you. I hope you enjoy the internet access that allowed you to find this site. Now go away!
Okay I read through this whole thread KM, you had your fun! Now if you want to stay here, keep away from the political intercourse. Now if you do in fact enjoy a habano or two good for you. Review a favorite or two for us so we will know what we are missing. If you prefer a Sandanista Nicaraguan blended cigar that is cool too as they are very tasty.

So don't start anymore threads that are just veiled trolling material and you'll be fine. We all can't have cool handles like KM, but we try. ;)
Since you ARE INDEED a commie, I hope you enjoy your stay in this country. I hope you enjoy the freedoms that others provide FOR you. I hope you enjoy the internet access that allowed you to find this site. Now go away!

First of all, I'm an American Citizen. It's not a matter of a stay in this country. I am this country. And don't talk down to me about freedom. I may know more about freedom than you can conceive of. I'm not hurting anybody; I'm not being antagonistic in the slightest, all that I've done is ask uninterrogatively open questions. You, on the other hand, are making presumptions about myself and my view points simply because I self-identify with communism. Even with that much information, you couldn't even know how I feel about communism without knowing my understanding and interpretation of the word communism, let alone how I feel about the typical understanding and interpretation which seems to be present here. The same goes for the term freedom.

Freedom in this country is more and more becoming less of a reality, an ideal, and more of a rhetorical device. What little freedom we have left isn't provided or defended by bureaucrats and windbags; it's the product of the hard work of people like me. When you talk to a person like you are to me right now, you're not only taking freedom for granted, you're stepping on the very notion of freedom; you're using your civil liberties to antagonize and intimidate me: i.e., you're infringing upon my liberty. And when you use your freedom to infringe upon the freedom of others, you only serve to bankrupt the concept of liberty. I have just as much of a right to be here as you do, and I will continue to be a member of this community if I so choose to accept and honor the responsibilities that come with it. I've been as respectful as possible in my conduct here on CigarPass, but know that when disrespected, I may not show much in return.
Since you ARE INDEED a commie, I hope you enjoy your stay in this country. I hope you enjoy the freedoms that others provide FOR you. I hope you enjoy the internet access that allowed you to find this site. Now go away!

First of all, I'm an American Citizen. It's not a matter of a stay in this country. I am this country. And don't talk down to me about freedom. I may know more about freedom than you can conceive of. I'm not hurting anybody; I'm not being antagonistic in the slightest, all that I've done is ask uninterrogatively open questions. You, on the other hand, are making presumptions about myself and my view points simply because I self-identify with communism. Even with that much information, you couldn't even know how I feel about communism without knowing my understanding and interpretation of the word communism, let alone how I feel about the typical understanding and interpretation which seems to be present here. The same goes for the term freedom.

Freedom in this country is more and more becoming less of a reality, an ideal, and more of a rhetorical device. What little freedom we have left isn't provided or defended by bureaucrats and windbags; it's the product of the hard work of people like me. When you talk to a person like you are to me right now, you're not only taking freedom for granted, you're stepping on the very notion of freedom; you're using your civil liberties to antagonize and intimidate me: i.e., you're infringing upon my liberty. And when you use your freedom to infringe upon the freedom of others, you only serve to bankrupt the concept of liberty. I have just as much of a right to be here as you do, and I will continue to be a member of this community if I so choose to accept and honor the responsibilities that come with it. I've been as respectful as possible in my conduct here on CigarPass, but know that when disrespected, I may not show much in return.

Isn't it a little late for a Noon'r?
Since you ARE INDEED a commie, I hope you enjoy your stay in this country. I hope you enjoy the freedoms that others provide FOR you. I hope you enjoy the internet access that allowed you to find this site. Now go away!

First of all, I'm an American Citizen. It's not a matter of a stay in this country. I am this country. And don't talk down to me about freedom. I may know more about freedom than you can conceive of. I'm not hurting anybody; I'm not being antagonistic in the slightest, all that I've done is ask uninterrogatively open questions. You, on the other hand, are making presumptions about myself and my view points simply because I self-identify with communism. Even with that much information, you couldn't even know how I feel about communism without knowing my understanding and interpretation of the word communism, let alone how I feel about the typical understanding and interpretation which seems to be present here. The same goes for the term freedom.

Freedom in this country is more and more becoming less of a reality, an ideal, and more of a rhetorical device. What little freedom we have left isn't provided or defended by bureaucrats and windbags; it's the product of the hard work of people like me. When you talk to a person like you are to me right now, you're not only taking freedom for granted, you're stepping on the very notion of freedom; you're using your civil liberties to antagonize and intimidate me: i.e., you're infringing upon my liberty. And when you use your freedom to infringe upon the freedom of others, you only serve to bankrupt the concept of liberty. I have just as much of a right to be here as you do, and I will continue to be a member of this community if I so choose to accept and honor the responsibilities that come with it. I've been as respectful as possible in my conduct here on CigarPass, but know that when disrespected, I may not show much in return.

This is why we steer clear of political discussions here on CP. Because this type of interaction always ensues. I agree with your comments regarding freedom -- I think they are spot on. However, I rankle at the way you are using this board to push your own personal agenda.

I don't care if you're a communist, a Hindu, a homosexual, or a union organizer. Just keep it off the board.
... When you talk to a person like you are to me right now, you're not only taking freedom for granted, you're stepping on the very notion of freedom; you're using your civil liberties to antagonize and intimidate me: i.e., you're infringing upon my liberty. And when you use your freedom to infringe upon the freedom of others, you only serve to bankrupt the concept of liberty...

Ad hominem, much?

As a side note, aren't you infringing upon his liberty by stating that his notions and beliefs are skewed and clearly inferior to yours?

Perhaps a quick glance in the mirror is in order.
LOL at all the knee-jerk "commie haters" coming in here to throw the "patriotic act" in old Karl's face.

Relax guys, we won the cold war. So there isn't any need for McCarthyism here at CP.

If you feel that strongly about communism, put him on ignore and carry on.

Having seen soviet style communism up close and personal during tours of the DDR border during the 1980s, I'm personally fascinated that someone can be so naive to actually say they are a "proud communist" in this day and age, but as long as the good doctor stays civil and doesn't make a mistake again like this one I'm happy to have him here. As long as he enjoys cigars that is ;)
Why you guys are feeding this obnoxious troll is beyond me. He doesn't want to be a part of the community, he wants to throw bombs and watch folks scurry about. Screw him.

He goes on "ignore" immediately and hopefully, when he doesn't get the attention he's clearly hoping for, he'll slither back under the big flat rock he came out from and leave us alone.

Okay I read through this whole thread KM, you had your fun! Now if you want to stay here, keep away from the political intercourse. Now if you do in fact enjoy a habano or two good for you. Review a favorite or two for us so we will know what we are missing. If you prefer a Sandanista Nicaraguan blended cigar that is cool too as they are very tasty.

So don't start anymore threads that are just veiled trolling material and you'll be fine. We all can't have cool handles like KM, but we try. ;)

Well, you know, I found this place because I had a really nice Habano; a Partagas Petit Bouquet, and it was so good, I wanted to locate more, and when I googled it, a couple pages later, I found a CP thread asking about it. I had written a review on the same day, so I thought it would help the user asking about it to post my review, and thus I started an account and posted it. If you'll look at my CP history, you'll find the overwhelming majority of it is honest CP-worthy material!

Now, I will admit that I've made a huge blunder in starting this thread, but believe you me, it wasn't as much fun as a discussion of Habanos would've been! To be honest, this thread brought me nothing but grief! But I really honestly just wanted to know if anyone was considering having a Habano on the Day of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution, a day which has so profoundly impacted our relationship with the Habano, in spite of what we might think, as I will be. I knew full-well when I started the thread that I would likely infuriate many on here, and if I'd known that the answer to my question would ultimately be a resounding "NO!" I wouldn't've even gone there. I was hoping that maybe a few would've been planning to smoke a Habano or two, as I am, and would want to discuss their designated smokes for the event, but alas, I was dead-wrong. I do apologize for appearing to be a troll, or inadvertently trolling in any way, shape or form. I promise, this shan't happen again!

:laugh: Yeah, Karlos Marxos is pretty clever, huh? I was hoping some might appreciate in it some comedic value! If you look closely, you'll notice that my avatar is based on your typical cigar box label/seal. When I found it several months ago, the name Karlos Marxos just formed in my mind somehow, and it just stuck with me. Go figger. No, we can't all be so lucky as to stumble upon that one handle! :p
How do you place someone on ignore? For as a veteran and the father of a US Marine, the tenor of this discourse and his rhetoric is turning my stomach.
I'd say the best thing you can do, if you really do want to stick around, is let this thread die... (don't post in it anymore regardless of who writes what) and prove your good intentions by... (gasp) talking cigars sans politics. It's as simple as that.
I'd say the best thing you can do, if you really do want to stick around, is let this thread die... (don't post in it anymore regardless of who writes what) and prove your good intentions by... (gasp) talking cigars sans politics. It's as simple as that.

... and never use "shan't" in any post, ever again.
Since you ARE INDEED a commie, I hope you enjoy your stay in this country. I hope you enjoy the freedoms that others provide FOR you. I hope you enjoy the internet access that allowed you to find this site. Now go away!

First of all, I'm an American Citizen. It's not a matter of a stay in this country. I am this country. And don't talk down to me about freedom. I may know more about freedom than you can conceive of. I'm not hurting anybody; I'm not being antagonistic in the slightest, all that I've done is ask uninterrogatively open questions. You, on the other hand, are making presumptions about myself and my view points simply because I self-identify with communism. Even with that much information, you couldn't even know how I feel about communism without knowing my understanding and interpretation of the word communism, let alone how I feel about the typical understanding and interpretation which seems to be present here. The same goes for the term freedom.

Freedom in this country is more and more becoming less of a reality, an ideal, and more of a rhetorical device. What little freedom we have left isn't provided or defended by bureaucrats and windbags; it's the product of the hard work of people like me. When you talk to a person like you are to me right now, you're not only taking freedom for granted, you're stepping on the very notion of freedom; you're using your civil liberties to antagonize and intimidate me: i.e., you're infringing upon my liberty. And when you use your freedom to infringe upon the freedom of others, you only serve to bankrupt the concept of liberty. I have just as much of a right to be here as you do, and I will continue to be a member of this community if I so choose to accept and honor the responsibilities that come with it. I've been as respectful as possible in my conduct here on CigarPass, but know that when disrespected, I may not show much in return.

This is why we steer clear of political discussions here on CP. Because this type of interaction always ensues. I agree with your comments regarding freedom -- I think they are spot on. However, I rankle at the way you are using this board to push your own personal agenda.

I don't care if you're a communist, a Hindu, a homosexual, or a union organizer. Just keep it off the board.

No, I agree, and I'm sorry it got this far. Hell, I'm sorry it even started! If I'd known that it would've ended like this, I wouldn't've posted this thread in the first place. I really am here for the purpose of cigars, not my agenda. There are other forums I go to for that. I merely felt the need to defend myself under fire. Please, let's all just bury this thread and get back to why we're here; good smokes!
I'm a pretty dumb guy and this "politics" stuff is a bit over my head, but it sure seems to me like this thread is violating one of the key rules of this board. Karl why don't you leave this thread alone now and post another review, I enjoyed your last one and it didn't confuse me as much as all this fancy political speak going on in here.
... When you talk to a person like you are to me right now, you're not only taking freedom for granted, you're stepping on the very notion of freedom; you're using your civil liberties to antagonize and intimidate me: i.e., you're infringing upon my liberty. And when you use your freedom to infringe upon the freedom of others, you only serve to bankrupt the concept of liberty...

Ad hominem, much?

As a side note, aren't you infringing upon his liberty by stating that his notions and beliefs are skewed and clearly inferior to yours?

Perhaps a quick glance in the mirror is in order.

This is no ad hominem attack; I am not attacking him on a personal level. I am criticizing the substance of his argument, and nothing more. All I said was that he is infringing upon my liberty and bankrupting the very concept of liberty in doing so. I am in no way implying that his notions and beliefs are skewed, corrupted or misguided. I was criticizing his actions, not his person or his opinions, and I did not infringe upon his liberty in doing so; I was merely defending my own liberty.

Now please, enough of this! Let's bury this thread and move on to matters which are appropriate for this environment!
I'd say the best thing you can do, if you really do want to stick around, is let this thread die... (don't post in it anymore regardless of who writes what) and prove your good intentions by... (gasp) talking cigars sans politics. It's as simple as that.

I would agree with that, can I hear an AMEN! While the whole concept of communism isn't politics as we know it, it is an economic and governmental philosophy which will eventually lead to political discussion. You knew it would cause a shit storm and you got the reaction you wanted. Now take the man's advice and "(don't post in it anymore regardless of who writes what) and prove your good intentions by... (gasp) talking cigars". You've already posted once since the advice was offered so I'm guessing you are not accepting the advice. answer is necessary if you are accepting it.
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