Cohiba Band Details


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2022
I'm sure this is old news to you guys, but someone just showed me this and it's pretty crazy how tiny they print. On the gold bands on the top and bottom of a Cohiba label there are the words Cohiba printed, alternating with a tiny Taino head. If you zoom in real close on that tiny Taino head, the word cohiba is printed on it. Pretty slick anti counterfitting details.

Any idea when they started with that micro print?
I'm not sure if the microprinting has been on there since the band change, but I believe that Cohiba switched to the hologram band in 2014, maybe?
Having worked for a printer as a second job the discussion of holographic printing came up. Was said that it requires special presses and is a bitch to do. I ( we ) know how hard folks south of the Texas border try and replicate that for the unknowing. Buyer beware.
It was out of storage for about an hour, did the little photoshoot while I smoked another cigar. If you zoom in that close nearly everything will have some specs.

I started getting real nervouswas so I decided to burn it, yummm.

this post is in good fun. Please don't think im being touchy. Sometimes the interweb has a way of making being a smartass seem like just a plain ol ass. :)
Oh dang, that's impressive. And it's also definitely needed with how many Fake Cohibas are out there. Always have to stay one step ahead to keep up with the fakes I guess...
Oh dang, that's impressive. And it's also definitely needed with how many Fake Cohibas are out there. Always have to stay one step ahead to keep up with the fakes I guess...
They are now putting real bands in fake cigars.

To my knowledge, the only thing thay haven't faked perfectly yet is the uv crest on the box seal.

A friend was even sold a fake box at an lcdh in Mexico.