Coffee & Cigar Chatroom Pass

Thanks Devin. You never fail to impress me with your generosity. I have been contacted by Tim. He stated he will take care of this...I am going to step out for now unless Cohibasurfer contacts me.
Michael,Did you receive the box of cigars I sent you? I sent them out last Thursday (4-26-01). Hope they arrived safely.Take Care,Rod
:) .. No Rod... haven't seen it yet! Did you get a confirmation # (LMAO)!!! Seriously... nothing yet brah. But I'll be lookin for it though... I'm still waiting on Tim's he sent uhhh.... I think the post said tomorrow am, that was on April 10th... I think the mail is slow.... from So Cal ;)
That's not good. I just sent you 3 cigars, I didn't get a tracking number. It should have been there by now. I sure hope it get's there by tomorrow. Let me know please.Thanks,Rod
ROD... got the suprise package you spoiled for me ;)
Thanks bud!....
It also had a return addy on it :)
Tim I've tried email and your "I can't stay away" post please email or message me. I would like to close this pass... one way or another.
Poker, Ralphanator...
you guys have a total of 2 posts on this bb and you are already getting involved in a sensitive area, not a good idea unless you know the players and the game they are playing.just my 2 cents worth.
We both know the players. Tim is local to both of us and we know him personally. (Edited by poker at 12:21 pm on May 17, 2001)
Ah, come on Tim, do the right thing. Poker and Ralphanator are good friends of mine, and I too know Tim. This seriously disturbs me.
Poker and Ralphanator are above reproach. I will vouch for both w/ all cigars that I own. These are class acts here to try and help w/ a problem. Thanks guys! C'mon Tim I know you can handle this.....just do it bro!
I have to agree. It is time to fix this problem. C'mon Tim........
If anyone has Tim's Tele.. would you contact him and see that he is OK. This just doesn't sound like the Tim that everyone knew. He maybe in some sort of trouble. Coffee and cigars are not the forefront of my concerns at this point. Let's make sure the person is alright. Thanks
OK... I really didn't want to post anything negative... BUT! Tim Hampton never sent anything! He has posted twice of sending something out, and not kept his word. He refuses to answer emails from me and several of his smoking buddies. Some of them have even phoned him with no reply. They have been in constant contact with me and are extremely disappointed in this whole sherade. For those of you who are and want to remain associated with him.. that's your perogitive. To each his own. For what ever reason he has decided to treat me as a second class human being, I have gotten the hint. Good luck to any and everyone that decides to do any transaction in the future with Tim. I personally can't and will not be involved with a person whose word can't be trusted. I do not want to start a flame war here with him, nor anyone else. I simply felt it was my duty to this bulletin board to post my experience. I realize that Tim has been a very important part of this board, but my experience suggests that he is not the same Tim that everyone had grown to know and respect. Tim... I hope your life straightens out and wish you all the best in the future. I close this experience with you, and am saddened that you were compelled to treat me in the fashion you did.
Now I officially close this pass haveing giving every avenue for a good ending. Please do not associate anyone else in this pass as a bad passer as the rest of the crew were all great. I thank you all for playing, and hope i get another chance to pass with the rest of you.
Easy there Cohibasurfer, Tim did give me a package to send out via USPS and I do have a tracking tag on the box. I will get to the post office tomorrow and ship the package out.
OK.... I appreciate your efforts SLR. I received your email and of corse read this post "after" my decision to call it a rap and post the above. Several others thought that I had been to easy about this whole thing and wanted me to post way sooner than I did. After all it's it's been nearly 2 months. I am certainly glad that Tim has again, decided to make good for his name sake. Not to mention not letting all his good friends in So. Cal down. All of you guys seem to be a real class act(POKER, RAlphinator, SLR) and very concerned. My hats of to each and everyone of you. And especially RobnSue, for sticking a friendly hand in and helping to hopefully have a good ending to this whole rigamaroe. I sincerly wish this to be the begining of a great new friendship with all of you.
PS- Thanks also to ROD and the rest of the board members for putting up with this whole thing.
Alright... I want to finally put and end to this saga. Last week I received a package of cigars mailed by SLR from Tim. Yesterday.. I get this box with a ton of coffee... 7-8 small bags of different premium beans along with a huge freezer bag of Cubita. I have also been in contact with Tim in chat and via smoke signals at CF. Tim has more than made up for the error in judgement. I  am very sorry that this episode took place. I feel that people do make mistakes.  When they own up to them, and do what ever it takes to correct them, along with a sincere appology, all should be forgiven. Tim has shown all of this to me. I am very sorry for the mishap, but some very possitive things took place during this. I have been in contact with some of the classiest people you could ever meet. Robnsue, Poker, SLR, DigitalGuy,and Ralphanator, you have shown great friendship & support to Tim. You also have shown me what brotherhood is and should be. I want to thank all of you.. and Tim for the happy ending to this pass and thread.
Tim thanks again for the sticks and the "TON " of coffee! You went way overboard!And thanks Rod for being a perfect host and friend!I also want to thank Devin and Shadow for the trades they made with me. They Bombed me with sticks and coffee. You guys are great!Ok before you bring out the hook... I'm going to close this pass and put it to bed. I think that all is well that ends well!I hope to see everyone at the SoCal herf in June!