It was great! A few guys from the Newburgh HERF crew showed up, along with some locals, which was great. Pepin was here with John and 2 reps. It was great sitting with him and talking to him about many different things, including the lifting of the embargo, the damage to the Cuban crops last year, his new factory, different blends he's made, etc... He is truly a great man to talk you with an unbelieveble amount of knowledge! Mr Martini and I were the Spanish speakers there so while he was telling us some stories from back in the day, we would translate for those who sat with us. I'll post some pics when I get back from the Rocky factory trip. I'll be back from there on saturday, but won't come home until sunday night. Glad all you guys got to meet him and had a good time. Hope everyone has a great rest of the week and weekend!!