CigarPass Virtual Cigar Lounge

Where do you get the 60% beads
I got these from Heartfelt Beads. They used to carry 60 percent beads, and that’s what I used for years until they stopped carrying them, then I had to go with the 65 percent, and I just adjust the water I put on them to give me 58 to 60 percent... I actually can’t remember when the last time I had to put water on them... I am thinking the cigars I put in there each week, regulate it perfectly...
So many newer faces last night, and it was great to both meet new friends and also put faces to the screen names I talk to so much. Scott and Andy, I look forward to "hanging out" with you all again soon!

ED! I didn't miss seeing you there -- glad you could make it, even for just a little bit.