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CigarPass Virtual Cigar Lounge

If we have to push back an extra week for Nick, I’m sure we’d all be down with that 😎
I was wrong, it’s the cg4 maduro. But that’s the same one I was gonna do too
I had the Island Jim Chad sent sitting out, but if everyone else is going the cg4 I’ll swap it out right quick 😎
I have a 2014 (ULA) Boli Beli Finos...I had it dry boxing for over a week, and I am looking forward to smoking it...

On some other news, everyone except Nick has received their package, is that correct? And, unfortunately Nicks package is not showing up after a week... I am going to assume it has been “misplaced” by this fine organization, and will send him another package on Monday...

Bill, don't do that. First, it's a holiday, so you can't, anyway. :P. Second, once packages leave Chicago and enter the DPO system, they are pretty much invisible until they are checked in to the mailroom here. So, it's probably still on track to get here in as timely a manner as possible. Usually figure +/- 10 days from date of shipment. If I don't see anything by the middle of next week, I'll let you know. Thanks, again!

The only Tat I have is a Serie P, which isn't swanky enough to smoke amongst the likes of y'all. I have a few in the dry box, and I was thinking of starting with the KFC Swamp Thang that my buddy Paul sent me (he said he'd be back on tonight), and then seeing what happens from there...
I’ll be late also. I am not sure what I will be smoking... don’t want to spoil the surprise
It's that time of week, again! Hope to see everyone (and some new faces, maybe?) tonight!

*EDIT* What's everyone planning on smoking? I haven't chosen anything, yet. Should we coordinate here and then secretly change it without telling Brad?
What else do you want to coordinate tonight, Nick? I’m going to be wearing a Hawaiian shirt and lobster patterned shorts if anyone wants to join me.

and btw, I too, might be late. And by late I mean 8:30.
How late does this thing go. I might be able to join around 11 - 11:30
How late does this thing go. I might be able to join around 11 - 11:30
We’ll be on. I’m usually the first to get off and that’s at midnight. Everyone else has a few hours of advantage on me due to time zones.
I won’t be in until about 10 so I’ll be definitely stick around until midnight (or a bit later)
I think I picked the menu for tonight. Start with the AF and if I am still going strong I’ll hit the JL #1