Your chickens are boujie.I’m distilling water for my chickens, due to supply chain issues!
John Smith
I bet your chemical free eggs are delicious!I’m distilling water for my chickens, due to supply chain issues!
John Smith
For some reason I was thinking that Fernandez was a San Lotano Requiem last night. Oh well -- I hope you enjoyed it, anyway!
.@xyz123 -- We see you online; I thought you were rearranging your schedule to make it on the v-herf tonight?
I was thinking something similar and looked it up, yup this was a puro especial different from the requiem. But both have the double band, it was still a good stick.For some reason I was thinking that Fernandez was a San Lotano Requiem last night. Oh well -- I hope you enjoyed it, anyway!
Good to see you too. You need to stay longer next time. Maybe you can Unionize and demand more breaks for the employees?Great seeing everyone last night!!
If cartoons taught me anything, he's trying to catch a mouse.What is that?