CigarPass Reading Club


Both Chad Zunker and Robert Dugoni have new ones out or coming out in the next few days.
I’m down to read one of these with either or both of you @kann @CBoukal . I just started the sequel to Red Rising, but I should be done in a couple weeks. Which book would you like to read?
I’m down to read one of these with either or both of you @kann @CBoukal . I just started the sequel to Red Rising, but I should be done in a couple weeks. Which book would you like to read?
I have a stack of 4 books I am either reading or ignoring but should be reading. If it gets Nick reading again, I could be talked into it :)
Lets see if Nick @kann wants to play our game first. This is my currently reading shelf. My "want to read" shelf is 28 deep. If you use GoodReads follow me "Chad Boukal"
Based on the numbers in the series, Mr. Mercedes, would be my first choice. The Queen of Thieves would be a close second. I’m not familiar with GoodReads, I’ll check it out though.
Y'all gonna make me charge my Kindle again, aren't you?

Give me until after The Invaders leave on Sunday, and I'll give it an honest go. For realsies.
I finished the sequel to Red Rising; Golden Son, a couple days ago… I want to talk about it, but I highly recommend it so, I don’t want to give any spoilers. I’ll say this - I felt almost every emotion during this novel. This series has been the most immersive series I’ve read so far.
What are we going for? I need to download all of the books that have been "delivered" over the past two years. 🤣

After reading a few reviews about Above the the Fire, I retract my recommendation. I’m down to read whatever y’all want to read.
What are we going for? I need to download all of the books that have been "delivered" over the past two years. 🤣
Nick, @Johnny B and I have been reading more recently than you. So lets pick a book you would enjoy and might rekindle (see what I did there, Amazon Kindle) your love of reading.
If it's cool with y'all, let's do the Zunker book, as it says it is only 205 pages. Rather short for one of his novels, but he's a great author. I know I already have this one on the Kindle (saw it today), so with any luck I might get sucked into this one and knock it out in one sitting.

Damn, I really miss smoking cigars...
I’m down for the Zunker book as well.