Is there a pass in here somewhere? ???
Hey I resemble that remark :sign:Is there a pass in here somewhere? ???
Yea - Newfie to Apathy78 - but he doesn't care!
I heard from Demon (Steve) this morning and it sounds like he's really in a tough spot right now. He's asked that if you need to get in contact with him please email him and he get back to you within a day. He's tried to send out the packages but has met with some dificulty that even he can't believe he's had.
In order to keep this PIF moving along, how about I send JHawk a package of class from NorCal. JHawk, please PM me your address.
I heard from Demon (Steve) this morning and it sounds like he's really in a tough spot right now. He's asked that if you need to get in contact with him please email him and he get back to you within a day. He's tried to send out the packages but has met with some dificulty that even he can't believe he's had.
In order to keep this PIF moving along, how about I send JHawk a package of class from NorCal. JHawk, please PM me your address.
Package received from NorCalCigarLover!! Excellent group of smokes (RyJ ISOM, Anejo, and Perdomo) plus a CD of Blues!! Thanks alot for hooking me up, NorCal!! :thumbs:
snip... Apathy78. Please PM me your addy and I'll get 'em off to you Saturday.
My wife called me at work and told me that the package has arrived. :thumbs:snip... Apathy78. Please PM me your addy and I'll get 'em off to you Saturday.
The Eagle has Flown!!
USPS DC # 0306 0320 0000 0219 2521. Dude at the Post Office said Tuesday.
??? Is that a yes or a no to the big question?I'm interested in it... But im afraid my PIF won't be up to snuff... We shall see!
That's the spirithell why not!