I appreciate your offer for funds. Perhaps next year we can setup some sort of fundraiser - will see where we are at with costs at that time. Really do appreciate the offer.
The reason you saw odd things occuring last night and today was due to DNS propogation. DNS can do some very strange things when switched... As for the AT&T issues, those should be cleared up as well. Turns out AT&T did an IP ban on one of my servers, resulting in CigarPass not being accessible. Apparently someone filed a complaint stating there was a virus on another website I host, so I terminated that site last week. I didn't find any malware on it. Informed AT&T that the site had been terminated, and I thought that was sufficient. Apparently they never released the ban, which is why only AT&T customers were affected. I wasn't even aware of the ban until someone brought it to my attention last night.
Funny how AT&T never admitted to it being an issue on their side, even though they are the ones who placed the IP ban. Generally, an email is sent to the administrator before any bans are placed.
We're back up and running, so back to enjoying the community!