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CigarPass.com 2nd Annual Herf - THE HERF


I'm going to need some recovery time, Brad!

OKJ all I am Finaly going to bed after a smoke with the little lady that makes the grand total of 86 hours in 4 days of no sleep :sign:

Man I think we were all feeling pretty busted. Last I saw these guys was 4AM this morning at the Bellagio. Cory was falling asleep in his french toast, Jay was planning the marketing scheme for the "Nut Sack Warming Pack", Bruce was taking in the "scenery" and Dave kept trying to give away all his fecking cigars.

Seriously an amazing weekend. BlueDragon, Dave, Enerjay, Tone-NY, Atuck, opusXmarco, Tasman, AlexGTP and Ezzy, LordLister, BBS, Nully, Rod, WickedStick and the Little lady, lckyman, Pink, Greggor, Nathan Rahl and everyone else were top freaking notch! I am going to bed but I am sure the stories (and pictures) will start rolling in tomorrow... :whistling:

BTW - Hats off to Rod and Ashley for all their hard work. You could tell they put all they could into the event and it definitely paid off with a great time. :thumbs:
I got home yesterday and slept almost all day; I finally feel refreshed. Today has been catch-up at work, but I'll post some pictures when I get home.

I had a hell of a good time!! All damn weekend!! It was great meeting all the new faces and hangin with all the old!

Stories and pictures to follow. :thumbs:
Wow....what more can I say. I'd try to name names but I'd for sure miss someone I didn't want to miss....so I think I'll just say what a fantastic time Lynn and I had at the events over the weekend, and extend my sincere thanks to all involved. It's always a pleasure putting faces to the names and meeting up with the good folks that hang out here.

Rod, you and Ashley do deserve a huge thank you for putting on such a fantastic event for us all. My thanks again. Lynn and I had big plans for today but after getting home late yesterday afternoon, we've been in "power lounge" mode for most of the day today.

....BBS watching Cory work on his Shark ash -
OK, the humor here is that friend Cory had so many gars by the time he attempted this ash stand that he was ShAkInG like a leaf and my interest was in how soon the ash was going to land in his lap.... :laugh:

Cheers, guys - B.B.S.
Me too Me too Me too!!! I have pics but I can't figure out how to upload them!!!!! :angry:

Have to let Howard do that later on!

Thanks again to all the people that made this weekend wonderful, you guys really know how to do it right and next time I am up AAAAAALLLLL night. I think I'll hang with Cory next time ( with the partying and all.....) and watch out i'll come better prepared

Thanks again everyone and to Rod and Ashley and for those of you who couldn't make it hopefully next year.

Hey Jonas--Let me know how you got that can home would ya? :cool:

Thanks Taz for all the work that went into that it was a wonderful item.
Me too Me too Me too!!! I have pics but I can't figure out how to upload them!!!!! :angry:

Have to let Howard do that later on!

Thanks again to all the people that made this weekend wonderful, you guys really know how to do it right and next time I am up AAAAAALLLLL night. I think I'll hang with Cory next time ( with the partying and all.....) and watch out i'll come better prepared

Thanks again everyone and to Rod and Ashley and for those of you who couldn't make it hopefully next year.

Hey Jonas--Let me know how you got that can home would ya? :cool:

Thanks Taz for all the work that went into that it was a wonderful item.

I was honored that Rod asked me to give it away!
Here are some pics!





The guy in blue shirt is Wicked Stick doing the Hooka Hooka at the Luau! The waterfountain accidentally got the camera but you get the point!
Hello everyone;

I wish I found this thread before I left for Vegas. Once I arrived in Vegas, I realized that I should have come better equipped (camera, more cigars, traveldor, etc). I'll learn my lesson by next year.

Thanks everyone for such an amazing weekend. It was great to finally put names to faces. My respect for both the FOG's and fellow newbies grew immesurably. I very much apprecaite the ammount of work and time that Rod, Ashley, Cory, Alex put into this endeavour. I was very happy to have had the chance to sit down and speak with everyone. My only regret is that I didn't have an opportunity to introduce myself and talk to BBS and some of the other longstanding members. Oh and my other regret is that I slept at night, rather than spend the entire 86 hour extended weeked on a sleepless nicotine induced rampage (leaving overturned cars, screaming women, and burning houses in the wake) like some of those in attendance. I've never seen such a fine group of gentlemen pull off such debauchey with as much flair. Well done.

I'm excited about herfing with you guys in the future. Let me know if any of you will be passing through the Quad Cities.
Just got home, and what an excellent HERF!!! We had a great time, it was a pleasure to meet all of you...

A special thanks to Bruce, Dennis, Scott, Tasman, Cory, Alex, Tony and Ashley for all of their hard work in making this the best herf ever. A lot of work went into preparing for the herf, and it was honestly the best herf ever!

Also would like to thank MattyVegas for heading up the raffle again this year. I know it was a long long raffle (2 hours), hope you got your voice back!

Also, a big thank you to ATuck for donating the rare CF humidor and cigars. Anthony - you once again went way above and beyond when you kicked the bid up on the CF humidor. You are definitely one of a kind my friend!

To everyone else, thanks for making the trip out, and making this the best herf ever. Next year, we'll top it!

I'll start working on the movie, should be up in a few weeks.

See you all in '08,
PS - if you have any pictures, please email them to me at rod@actionmedia.net (please send pics in raw format, full size).

Allan with the grand Private auction humidor


Another fine gift from Allen for raffle

Blue chokin' that moontrance down - "whole place smelled like a tanning salon" - coconut

opusXmarco pre-lighting that bad boy - - -moontrance that is..............

Alex milking the moontrance 3 minutes into the speed herf - - - no fool there...

Allen won after smokin' Bruce in the speed round
As I sit here and look at these pics. I am reminded of how much fun we had last year. I wish I could have made this years event. It's just not the same looking at the pics. Looks like I missed one hell of a time. I am glad you guys had fun.
I justed wanted to say thanks to everyone who attended..I had a total blast..can anyone twell me how the food was???

I didn't get to try it..I was too busy running my mouth.



Still in Utah! What a great time thanks to Rod and Ashley for being great hosts. To all my friends both old and new great hanging out with you and burning leaf. Now when is next year's scheduled for? By the way I do spend more time in NY than NJ :whistling:

just got done with friends visit here in AK... we had a great time, but looks like I missed more fun in Vegas! Figures he'd only be able to visit this ONE weekend... :(

there's always next year I s'ppose. Lets have it in Alaska!! LOL

Great pics people... thanks. Next best thing to being there. Sorry I didn't make it again this year.