I got home yesterday and slept almost all day; I finally feel refreshed. Today has been catch-up at work, but I'll post some pictures when I get home.WHERE ARE THE PICTURES!!!
I'm going to need some recovery time, Brad!
OKJ all I am Finaly going to bed after a smoke with the little lady that makes the grand total of 86 hours in 4 days of no sleep :sign:
Man I think we were all feeling pretty busted. Last I saw these guys was 4AM this morning at the Bellagio. Cory was falling asleep in his french toast, Jay was planning the marketing scheme for the "Nut Sack Warming Pack", Bruce was taking in the "scenery" and Dave kept trying to give away all his fecking cigars.
Seriously an amazing weekend. BlueDragon, Dave, Enerjay, Tone-NY, Atuck, opusXmarco, Tasman, AlexGTP and Ezzy, LordLister, BBS, Nully, Rod, WickedStick and the Little lady, lckyman, Pink, Greggor, Nathan Rahl and everyone else were top freaking notch! I am going to bed but I am sure the stories (and pictures) will start rolling in tomorrow... :whistling:
BTW - Hats off to Rod and Ashley for all their hard work. You could tell they put all they could into the event and it definitely paid off with a great time. :thumbs:
OK, the humor here is that friend Cory had so many gars by the time he attempted this ash stand that he was ShAkInG like a leaf and my interest was in how soon the ash was going to land in his lap.... :laugh:....BBS watching Cory work on his Shark ash -
Me too Me too Me too!!! I have pics but I can't figure out how to upload them!!!!! :angry:
Have to let Howard do that later on!
Thanks again to all the people that made this weekend wonderful, you guys really know how to do it right and next time I am up AAAAAALLLLL night. I think I'll hang with Cory next time ( with the partying and all.....) and watch out i'll come better prepared
Thanks again everyone and to Rod and Ashley and for those of you who couldn't make it hopefully next year.
Hey Jonas--Let me know how you got that can home would ya?![]()
Thanks Taz for all the work that went into that it was a wonderful item.
The Party favors.