Cigar Smoking HAM RADIO Operators


Have a Kenwood TM7Vmobile that is between vehicles. Will get it installed before Skywarn season this spring.

My Icom HT speaker kicked the bucket but my neighbor said he heard someone had a used Yaesu HT for sale. Not a Ham/got it in a trade so need to alive him of it perhaps. Said he wanted $100 but need to check the model.
Forgot to mention when I'm home I work a Yaesu FT-101ZD or a FT-101E on 28.400 or somehwere close by, that is where most of the locals hang out......


Mike (N2MWL) :cool:
Anyone active on HF nets? You'll find me a couple times each week on the 40 meter early 3905 Century Club XYL is active on the HHH late net...

All I can do right now is IRLP for long range communication. My HF station is down, pending new antenna purchase.
I have always had an interest in ham radio, but just never followed up on it.

Maybe Alan and I can be the newbie subgroup.


Well, I got distracted a bit on this, but it's still in the plans. Maybe I'll get started this spring.
All I can do right now is IRLP for long range communication. My HF station is down, pending new antenna purchase.

Get some copper wire and do the math, ya appliance operator!

Who needs math? That is what antenna tuners are for. :laugh:

I am only on 2 meters at the moment myself. I hear lots of California call signs on one of the local repeaters up here. Not sure if it is IRLP or Echolink. May toss my call out a bit sometime and see if anyone from here in on the air.
This morning I passed my general exam. Look out extra, here I come. :D
Since this has been bumped again I will add my callsign. It is AJ4OM.
Just got my licence - VE3WTU

Now to get a radio ... :whistling:

Great news! What kind are you looking at? We've got a couple of ICOM's but our first one was an Alinco.
Yaesu is very popular around here for HT's and mobiles (Rally and wilderness event support is always on 2m around here.)

I just love how effortless the progression from "a radio" to multiple radios happens. This was my progression over the two day course:
1. Sat. morning: 2m mobile. under $200 (plus home power supply, antennas for car and home, plus an SWR meter kit, plus ... )
2. Sat. afternoon: Maybe a 2m HT instead. $200 (plus spare batteries, a mic, aftermarket antenna, external antenna, various power supplies, etc.)
3. Sun. morning: Multi-band mobile (so I can have a funky antenna powered by a screwdriver motor on my car)
4. Sun. afternoon: mobile w/ cross-band repeat + dual-band HT + HF @ home + + +

Bah. I was thinking I could get into this for the price of a box of "ultra-premium" cigars, i.e., $300 total.

So far, I've noticed a relative excess of facial hair and pipe smokers in local HAM circles :D
I have a sprung from the womb anniversary coming up, and my wife keeps asking me what I want for it.

I am thinking a nice starter kit (understanding I will need to obtain the appropriate license) would be fun.

Anyone recommend what a Ham newbie should start with and how much to spend ?

I have a sprung from the womb anniversary coming up, and my wife keeps asking me what I want for it.

I am thinking a nice starter kit (understanding I will need to obtain the appropriate license) would be fun.

Anyone recommend what a Ham newbie should start with and how much to spend ?


I think you should start by studying for your tech exam and finding a test near you. The test is pretty easy if you study a little. You can take practice exams HERE. You can look over all of the possible questions for the exam Here. There will be plenty of time to pick out your rig while you are waiting on your ticket.
Thanks for th elinks. Took the technician test for fun. 70%
