Cigar Smoking HAM RADIO Operators

With a handheld radio (see below), you can talk around the world through a service called IRLP. IRLP is a series of linked repeaters across the internet. You can do lots of cool stuff. Get your initial license and you'll be all set. Won't be able to operate much HF, but with VHF/UHF, there's plenty of cool things waiting for you, including long distance communications.

Here's the radio I picked up recently
With a handheld radio (see below), you can talk around the world through a service called IRLP. IRLP is a series of linked repeaters across the internet. You can do lots of cool stuff. Get your initial license and you'll be all set. Won't be able to operate much HF, but with VHF/UHF, there's plenty of cool things waiting for you, including long distance communications.

Here's the radio I picked up recently
That sets my mind at ease a bit. I can handle spending a few hundred bucks on a new hobby to get started, but if I got into the range of some of the base units I've looked at the last couple of days and mounting an antenna I'd be sleeping in the van for sure. :)

I think I'll get the book you recommended, Rod, and get started in a couple of weeks.
Sounds good. Just get the handheld, no need for a base. The one I have costs under $300 new. Let me know if you have any questions re ham radio... The tech questions are pretty easy these days, you shouldn't have any problem passing the test.
Welcome aboard Don. Where are you located? When you have a sec, head over to the Intro forum and introduce yourself! Again, welcome to CP.
for all of you guys that want to get into ham radio ..........the other buisness i own is a radio shop....... i can hook you up with the cigar pass good buddy discount on antennas coax and used radios ..........hf vhf uhf ect

I have an old novice license, KB2KAH, that I had to do code to get!

I still have a monster 18 foot yagi in the garage that I never put up after moving to NJ, and a couple of base radios, key, keyers, golden eagle, rotor, spooooooooools of coax and other stuff sitting in the basement... now that the kid is gone away to school I may just set up and warm up the wire! :)
Tonight I passed my Technician test. :) Now I need to get a radio while I wait for my call sign. :D
I love the challenge of it! Lighting the night sky with 2KW and a yagi is for weenies.
....only ONE yagi..?? Only two KW...?? Pshaw.

Here's the monster K7GDN and I drove to a clean sweep in the '92 SSB Phone Sweepstakes.

There is nothing like hearing a huge pile up on a rare multiplier, swinging fifteen elements or a full size 40M beam (...!!!...) around, calling them ONCE and getting through the noise. Size DOES matter..... :laugh:
Tonight I passed my Technician test. :) Now I need to get a radio while I wait for my call sign. :D

Good job, congratulations! I highly recommend the Yaesu VX-7R. Check out or
No wonder he never came back. :whistling: :rolleyes:
I have always had an interest in ham radio, but just never followed up on it.

Maybe Alan and I can be the newbie subgroup.

Tonight I passed my Technician test. :) Now I need to get a radio while I wait for my call sign. :D

Good job, congratulations! I highly recommend the Yaesu VX-7R. Check out or

Thats actually what I had been thinking about getting. In fact, I just ordered it. :thumbs: I'm getting the one with the black case though.
learning code at high speed as a teen changed my life. Might have even been for the better.