Alright, so this might be a pretty obvious one, but I have a question here.
I walked into a local shop with a cuban in hand and asked the shop owner if he had any Opus in stock. I've been to this shop a few times, but since I primarily smoke cc's, I often don't visit local shops for anything but a new illusione release or perhaps the occasional AF.
The shop owner told me due to the new FDA regulation sampling laws, I can't smoke anything in the building that I didn't purchase there. Fine. I don't recall that part of the new FDA rules but sure, I'll just smoke what I bought.
Then I'm on my local facebook group with a few friends and I see one of the shop workers smoking it up with a clear cc? Y'all are a little more experienced smokers than I, so perhaps you can tell me - did I break some unspoken etiquitte rule? Whenever I travel I haven't had this issue. I always tell the shop owner when I walk in that I'd love to support them and buy a stick and I ask if it is okay to smoke one I brought from home and show them the stick. Often they don't take issue with this. One or two times I've been told that wasn't an option and still purchased a stick to support them, but left to smoke elsewhere.
Any insight would be appreciated. I get most shops are going to be different, but any ideas why they'd be throwing the FDA sampling rules around? That's a new one on me...