Cigar Insurance......

As you know I am relatively new on this message board. What is this insurance for? Are there folks joining passes that are stealing the cigars and they never finish their journey or what?Debbie
well Shadowryder that is a good question. CPI was created from a great idea that DustinB had for the purpose of insuring pass boxes. In the instance that the box gets lost in the mail, lost at a house stop( most in the dual pass remember eric :biggrinn: damaged baddly in the mail or yes it could happen stolen by a deciver:shocked:. This is in place first to try and replace the original box in the pass because the pass starter has much more to loose than the rest in the pass. If there is enough inventory and record other insured in the pass can be compincated as well. This is for the bennifit of all who are insured. :biggrin: Hope that helped if not let me know I will try to help.
DarrenR(Edited by DarrenR at 4:24 pm on Feb. 22, 2001)
Well gang we have a new member! Rod would like to join the ranks!:o I will update the related info as soon as possible.
We are getting another member! Texcigar (I hope that is right I'm all messed up right now changing email users) is joining our ranks as well! CPI is really starting to shape up! :cheesy: I will be posting updates to Rod as soon as possible.
Ok gang we got another new member! Welcome Vern to the ranks!:biggrin:
Rod by thend of this week I will have an updated invintory and people list.
Ok gang the page has now been updated thanks to our great freind Rod!:biggrin: 2 new members were added Vern and Rob the insured are growing!
For those I have spoke to or those that are new we have open inrollment into the CPI. Anyone is welcome into this club just e-mail or message me and I will answer any questions.
Once again welcome to our new members. :)
gj with the TOP, in your summertime pass, I provided my input to I hope it get there!!
I'm sure it will and thanx for joining we will get you and your contribution added to the collective. :)
Resistance is FUTILE! lol
:) TOP:):cool:
Just a reminder that we are still here and kicking.
If I recall I beleive CPI is going on 10 months old and we have not yet had a casualty! What a great thing see how that works! Bad things happen until your covered then NO WORRIES! LOL
I've signed up my pass for CPI. I think it's a great idea. The more of us that support it, the better off we'll all be.
:) :cool: ok all please welcome the 3 newest members of CPI!!!!!!!! .....APPLAUSE......a hush over the crowd....drum roll starts..... MACATTACK!!!!!....ARRRRRRRAHHHHHH.........DAVEWF!!!!...YAHHHHHHYAHHHH....and Texcigar!!!!!....HURAYYYYY

Seriously though we have 3 great new members sorry for the delay in posting.. I will have Rod update the site acordingly!!!

The bar is still open for all those who want under the umbrella.:p :0 :thumbs: