Cigar Girl® for 02/18/10

She is cute!

Does anyone know who the webmaster or photographer of Cigar Glamour is? I'd love to do a photo shoot with them but I cant find any info on who to get in touch with.
Administrative Contact:
Clarke, David -
Flat K The Warehouse
Victoria Quays
Sheffield, South Yorkshire S2 5SY

She is cute!

Does anyone know who the webmaster or photographer of Cigar Glamour is? I'd love to do a photo shoot with them but I cant find any info on who to get in touch with.
She is cute!

Does anyone know who the webmaster or photographer of Cigar Glamour is? I'd love to do a photo shoot with them but I cant find any info on who to get in touch with.

PM robbiex0r. I think he used to intern with them.
Thank you Ray for starting off my Friday morning with a smile, keep em' coming...... :) :thumbs: :cool:
Is she old enough to be smoking that thing? Wait . . . do I really care? ;)

Adorable, just adorable. What a cutie! :love:
