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CI deal 8 stick for $10

Good deal for $10.00. All good cigars, nothing outstanding but good. :thumbs:
Very good deal; not the sticks that I enjoy anymore, but several of them once were. I would have been all over this about a year ago.
Just wondering, which ones did you like??

I used to love Perdomos, but not so much anymore. I also really liked CAO Blacks until just very recently (not sure what happened but they don't do it for me anymore). I used to also have several Puros Indios and Gurkhas in my humi. I can't speak for the others in that lineup.
Good find...I jumped on these since I've only
had one in the bunch. With my new (old) Fiat convertible
I find I smoke much more and need these 'vert 'gars.
T :cool:
nice deal. I would definitely jump on this if hojadepuro didn't just hook me up with a nice package :) I've only had the CAO and it was pretty good. Can't go wrong with the Perdomo or Ghurkha.
would love to jump on this deal but is it only for new customers?
Since I am new at smoking cigars I ordered. I am sure what I don't think I will like the hubby will smoke. He enjoys the Madura wrappers.
I got this today and I am NOT happy.

They changed about 3 of the cigars (of course the ones I wanted) with something else. So I emailed them a nasty letter telling them I would never purchase from them again.

I hope they do something about it. I really wanted to try a CAO black and Perdomo red.

I thought CI was a good company to deal with but it looks like these sampler packs are not the way to go!!!!

I'm going to the mailbox right now.
I have no problems w/CI and will call the 800 line
and ask for a refund on the wrong sticks as the
draw for me also is the CAO Black.
T :cool:
I got this today and I am NOT happy.

They changed about 3 of the cigars (of course the ones I wanted) with something else. So I emailed them a nasty letter telling them I would never purchase from them again.

I hope they do something about it. I really wanted to try a CAO black and Perdomo red.

I thought CI was a good company to deal with but it looks like these sampler packs are not the way to go!!!!


I guess you can't read. But any issues I've had with CI they have resolved ASAP, so I'm sure they will offer to mail you a shipping label to ship all the sticks back.

NOTE: one (1) per customer please. Quantities greater than one will be reduced. From time to time, a substitution may occur.
In my past complaints, they have issued a refund
on the stick or sticks in question which saves the shipping
hassle and charge. Suits me.
T :cool:
I had this happen twice with CI samplers before. I knew it could possibly happen (the discliamer is clear) but I was still disappointed when some of the sticks I was really looking forward to got switched. I must say though the one's they substituted were as good or better than the one's listed.

So..I guess my advice would be don't order a sampler from CI to try and get a certain type of cigar. Much better to just order a 5er of that cigar.
Since I am new at smoking cigars I ordered. I am sure what I don't think I will like the hubby will smoke. He enjoys the Madura wrappers.

Wait a minute...Are you the Wifey??(scratchin my head) :laugh:
I got this today and I am NOT happy.

They changed about 3 of the cigars (of course the ones I wanted) with something else. So I emailed them a nasty letter telling them I would never purchase from them again.

I hope they do something about it. I really wanted to try a CAO black and Perdomo red.

I thought CI was a good company to deal with but it looks like these sampler packs are not the way to go!!!!


Its CI/CBid so I'm not surprised. In fairness, they DID say sustitutions were possible. However, this smacks of bait and switch. Which ones did they sub and what did they send?