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Checking in..that is all...nothing to see here


Quietly getting back into the cigar culture.....
Jun 5, 2007
Just wanted to stop in and say hey, life has been pretty hectic.
Been putting in a lot of time to get myself, my marriage and my life back in order and it is all paying off big time!
Had the chance to smoke 4 cigars over the Memorial Day weekend while camping and fishing in southern Colorado with the family.
About to finish my last class for the summer as well. Also, just about done installing a flagstone patio (approx 270 SqFt)


Look forward to getting back to this community!
The patio is looking great man, hope to smoke with you on it sooooon. See you tomorrow brother!
Glad to hear you are doing well and working towards it!
Nice work Tim and thanks for checking in. I'm glad to hear things are on the up and up.
Glad to hear things are turning around for you Tim.  That patio looks great, I'm sure there will be many cigars and other fine memories made on it.

So this was en epic fail in the making, but I think I found a way to recover. Last night I was so damn mad I cold have throat punched the jack-wad at Lowes that said this was the way to go.
I did not spend almost $800 on flagstone with silver quartz and such to have the whole thing look like it was poured concrete....
Should have it fixed and finished today, but first going on hike with the dogs.....
It is good to hear things are going better for you and yours.
Let us have a picture of the finished patio when you get the kinks worked out; it is looking really good.
Oh Tim, I hope he did say hand trowel cause I would go back and wack him. I think a burnishing brush is in your future. Other than that, good to hear from you and happy things are going positive. Is that hydraulic cement?

Tim, see if you can rent a terrazzo polisher, probably make it a lot quicker.
It is Quikrete Sand Topping mix.
Dry brushed in, and set with water.
In the end, I got most of it off with the garden hose, but put way to much water on the concrete.  
When it is all said and done, because it is such a light layer of dust , we spent a few hours sweeping and sweeping and sweeping again...I think that next summer, before I set the pool up on it, I will pressure wash it and I think that will peel most of the crap off the flag stone. Then I will reset the joints with poly-sand, like I should done this time.
Pic in a few days after it is all dry, and I have cleaned it as best I can.
MX said:
Should have it fixed and finished today, but first going on hike with the dogs.....
It is, we rescued him a few years back.  Been a work in progress but he is doing well, and he has our hearts!
Glad to hear things are going well at the moment (patio setback, aside).  I hope better days continue to be in your future.
Looks like the CO Rockies are having a Military Appreciation Day...trying to secure my tickets now, wish they were playing a team I cared about, but I guess the Dodgers will do....
That is really too bad you spent the time and money to set the cool flagstone and do a good job at that, only to have it was out as if in a black and white photo. The thin layer will most likely wear off eventually. I think the power washing will help a lot. I had a brick patio at the last house and must have had the same lowe's Jaquad give me the same advice. Luckily I only did a small test area. When I blew off the mortar I also took off the brick glaze. At least you won't have to deal with that.
I am commending you on the most proper use of the name jack-wad, which as you know comes from the French Jaquad which is defined below.

The term used to describe an uneducated, moronic, retard, with absolutaly no regard for any onther person. This term is mostly used to describe a law breaker or other low life drain on society. (Urban dictionary)