Celebrating 21 Years of Friendship

CigarPass is a gift, and I do not take this place for granted. The friends that I have made, met, and unfortunately sometimes lost here are without a doubt more meaningful to me than the majority of those people I know in flesh and blood. The knowledge contained within these "walls" is unparalleled, without a doubt. Though you may have to dig for it at times, i don't think there is anywhere else that has the information on cigars that can be learned on this site. I really dig the diversity here, and I enjoy getting to interact civilly with those who may hold different beliefs than I do. I'll be honest and say that I've had to confront some things within myself recently that I tried to believe weren't there, and CP has brought out the better person in me because of it. This place is so much more than just a random internet chat forum. Thank you for this gift, Rod.
Thank you Rod and all the old F'ers in the beginning for making this place what it is. I joined over 12 years ago and this place has taught me so much about being a true BOTL and friend. I am not sure cigar smoking would be the same if CP was not apart of my life.
Thank you again, Happy Birthday, and here's to 21 more!!
Who is this Rod guy?!?! I thought your name was Todd... I'm so confused...

Been here a few years, on and off. I still find the urge now and again to check in. Glad to see familiar faces - and even some of the old faces coming out of the woodwork! Great memories over the years which has left some very deep sorrow for those we've lost along the way.

And I'm so glad you kept the ship afloat during all that time. This place truly is a testament to your unselfish sharing of your home. Glad I found it so long ago - and glad there are a few who still remember who I am! As Floyd said - I would love to share a cigar and drink of your choice if we ever had the opportunity. Cheers to 21 more years!!!
BTW - Quoting MMM from the way back machine: "One of the little known benefits of membership at Cigarpass is the unlimited use of the newly remodeled guest quarters at Casa de Rod in sunny southern California. ( American made transportation is provided. ) Entertainment options include a daily showing of Moochete in the IMAX Purobrat Theater, and a walking tour of the Galeria de Chaps showcasing Rod's personal collection of vintage buckskins."
Sorry I am late to the party, I've got my pitchfork sharpened and ready to join the angry mob!!!!
Shit I just reread this thread, I see we are going a different direction with this. Thank you Rod so much for this community! I talk to my wife and co-workers about things my friends do and say like it was my neighbor. The truth is its my friends from here who don't live within 1000+ miles of me. This forum and group of people are truly family to me and I am excited to see what's next every day!
CP is a special place. The people here are special people. Thanks Rod, for creating a place for us to be.

Some of us are extra special, even.


Thanks Rod for making this place possible.