Well said. CP is an awesome source of knowledge and wisdom. The desire to be a part of the "in" crowd can be strong. Let's also not forget that there is a generation of social media driven young men/women that think nothing of posting a pic of food and other mundane situations. Regardless, Groucho stepped on his dick and needs to lay low for a while.
There is also an entire generation of young men/women who aren't taught to understand how anyone could possibly have an opposing viewpoint to their own, or how to deal with someone disagreeing with them. Authority or respect of authority (in this case respect of well established and proven methods), to them, is not a familiar concept.
I'm seeing it more and more at school each year and it is because these individuals have grown up the the instant gratification of the internet/social media and are accustomed to being able to say whatever they want with no real "consequences." They thrive on posting pictures to various social media sites hoping to get various and immediate "likes" and I'm seeing what I think is a bit of that here. Groucho didn't get instantaneous "likes" of his post and it completely threw off his motive for posting. Then when called on it he completely blew up in the face of membership.
Interestingly enough, in his previous genital-stepping incident, he said he realized where he went wrong, would learn from it, and it wouldn't happen again; even posted about having a humbling day. Then, well, we all saw what happened here. So history dictates that he most likely won't learn from this experience either and the pattern will continue.
Groucho, a testament to this fine community is the fact that we all (or most of us) still seem willing to give you a chance to be a part of it. By my record, thats 2 chances. If you still want to join us, I think you know what you need to do. If not, well...time will tell, I suppose. Hang out for a bit, lay low, read up, and not just what is right in front of your face. Spend some time searching, going back through old threads, dig, explore, and learn. Then maybe, just maybe, you will get it.