can someone help me with sources?!?!?

show some respect? to who? ummmm excuse me but i dont think its that serious. CC and pretty much everyone on here has showed how important they're lives are to police a forum on some cancer causing hobby. id easily mistake this forum on cigars for a meeting place for cocain or opium smugglers by the how hush hush and on edge everyone seems. honestly, CSCC (cock sucking CC), i feel sry for you and the rest of u bored little ass holes who have nothing better to do then police this site. you talk real big on here but im sure ur nothing more then a bitch in real life. to the rest of you u have corrected me in a respectful manner, my comments dont apply to you and i respect ur knowledge.


charles :D
redboi18 said:
show some respect? to who? ummmm excuse me but i dont think its that serious. CC and pretty much everyone on here has showed how important they're lives are to police a forum on some cancer causing hobby. id easily mistake this forum on cigars for a meeting place for cocain or opium smugglers by the how hush hush and on edge everyone seems. honestly, CSCC (cock sucking CC), i feel sry for you and the rest of u bored little ass holes who have nothing better to do then police this site. you talk real big on here but im sure ur nothing more then a bitch in real life. to the rest of you u have corrected me in a respectful manner, my comments dont apply to you and i respect ur knowledge.


charles :D

LMAO! Easy there sizzle chest.
redboi18 said:
show some respect? to who? ummmm excuse me but i dont think its that serious. CC and pretty much everyone on here has showed how important they're lives are to police a forum on some cancer causing hobby. id easily mistake this forum on cigars for a meeting place for cocain or opium smugglers by the how hush hush and on edge everyone seems. honestly, CSCC (cock sucking CC), i feel sry for you and the rest of u bored little ass holes who have nothing better to do then police this site. you talk real big on here but im sure ur nothing more then a bitch in real life. to the rest of you u have corrected me in a respectful manner, my comments dont apply to you and i respect ur knowledge.


charles :D

Oh, no you didn't! Snap! :whistling:
you all should look at tedski post...i did originally ask for it to be taken to email or PM. if CC was a bit mature or had half a brain he could have sent me a note addressing my offenses. if anyone is owed an apology, it is me. if u assumed i was going to take ur comments up the ass then you were mistaken. respect is mutual.


I see redboi has decided to go out in a flame of glory. Bravo, redboi. Sacrificing one's self for the entertainment of others! Truly noble!
redboi18 said:
you all should look at tedski post...i did originally ask for it to be taken to email or PM. if CC was a bit mature or had half a brain he could have sent me a note addressing my offenses. if anyone is owed an apology, it is me. if u assumed i was going to take ur comments up the ass then you were mistaken. respect is mutual.



Dude, nothing like a pissed off 18 year old to make coke spew out my nose.

You go girl! :sign:
lol hey how hard is it for me to make a new account? :cool: furthermore, im a casual smoker, not a addict and i live no more then 30 minutes from a LCDH (however they are spelled) in windsor. cross the border and problem solved.

redboi18 said:
lol hey how hard is it for me to make a new account? :cool: furthermore, im a casual smoker, not a addict and i live no more then 30 minutes from a LCDH (however they are spelled) in windsor. cross the border and problem solved.


I'm confused and amused.
redboi18 said:
show some respect? to who? ummmm excuse me but i dont think its that serious.

charles :D

I dunno red ... I'm inclined to poke you with a stick and sit back and enjoy the show. Foul language and disrespect ... tsk tsk .... your mamma clearly didn't spank you enough. As was easily discerned, you're a snotty nosed punk, but I feel sorry for your utter lack of social skills and I'll help you out here and provide the information on the best source to get Cuban cigars.


See the guy on the left? His name is Billie Joe Jim Bob Elian Smith. Now Billie Joe Jim Bob Elian Smith can be found in South beach Miami at the Clevelander hotel any time after 9PM. To get Cubans from him, you need to use the secret handshake .... you know the secret handshake, right?
Without even wading through all this crap, this guy has probably been before. Because he knew exactly what buttons to push from the get go.

Let do this guy a favor, ignore this crap and let Rod ban him when he gets on. We don't need this type of vitriol from outsiders.
If I were 30 minutes away from an LCDH outlet - I don't think I would be wasting anyone's time looking for Habana cigar sources?!
You can't buy this kind of entertainment. :thumbs: Keep it up Charlie, this may get really good. 18 year old smart asses - gotta love 'em. :laugh:
DocRKS said:
If I were 30 minutes away from an LCDH outlet - I don't think I would be wasting anyone's time looking for Habana cigar sources?!

:laugh: You have the best source 30 minutes away. Dumb ass.
i apologize to anyones who has such virgin ears as to take what i said as disrespectful. i came here with nothing but honest intentions to further my knowledge with cigars. if the "elders" of this network have such a problem with novices and their questions that may seem "petty", then why dont they show a little creativity and creat a forum were novices can ask there "petty" questions. if anyone took the time to read my first post, i believe i asked in a very respectful manner about sources. i also stated that it was taboo to discuss them in public so to please email me. what seems to have happened is a few bored individuals attempted to creat a little entertainment for themselves, which is honestly sad. i apologize to those who felt i dispected them once again.
