can someone help me with sources?!?!?

DocRKS said:
Growing up, I never fully appreciated as I do today, the wisdom in a saying my Dad used all the time......

"You just can't hide stupid."

For those who don't understand, no explanation is possible......

For those who understand, no explanation is necessary.

redboi18 said:
"u" must have nothing more to do with "u're" life then be so anal about how a person chooses to post a note on, of all things, a internet forum. if "u" had a f*cking life, im sure "u" could find something more then spell check a post...a$$

charles :love:

Sheesh, this guys got some brass balls!! :laugh:
Hey, this is the internet, and not the real world, right? Now, I never walk away from confrontations face to face then what is a person behind a computer screen in another state? I'm only eighteen, so that there pretty much rules out me being any sort of law enforcement officer. I joined this form to further expand my knowledge on cigars, not be told by a bunch of people who seem to be suffereing from paranoia that im a CIA agent. Now, if CC simply said for reason X we want to get to know you first before we can help you so we do not jepordise a persons business, then I would have understood with no problem. But for him, and everyone else, to even waste their time posting comments reminding me that I just signed up sounds like a gang of third grade instegators.

For anyone new to the thread, let me generaly state that I'm not begging for anyones help. If you cannot or willnot post a reply to answers my question then please show a little restraint and do not post a comment. I would hate to have to go through a bucket of bad apples to find one good one.


Charles :D
I'm well aware of the legality issues, but also that it still goes on. How can I format a thread to ask a question considered taboo? I'm just looking for a few people I can email or PM with some questions.


mrjinglesusa said:

Read this thread:

It's PINNED at the top of the forum you posted this thread in. A pinned thread usually contains IMPORTANT information that you should read.

In case you were not aware, buying Cuban cigars from the US is illegal and should not be discussed on this board.

I for one hope it continues to be illegal to buy Cubans in the U.S. because I live in Canada and I know that if Cubans were ever legally imported into the U.S., your country would take all the supply and drive the prices up here in Canada. They're high enough as it is.

OK don't kill me :)
No one owes you an answer to your question(s), Red.

Become a contributing member of this community and maybe someone will help you in your quest a year down the road.
redboi18 said:
Hey, this is the internet, and not the real world, right? Now, I never walk away from confrontations face to face then what is a person behind a computer screen in another state? I'm only eighteen, so that there pretty much rules out me being any sort of law enforcement officer. I joined this form to further expand my knowledge on cigars, not be told by a bunch of people who seem to be suffereing from paranoia that im a CIA agent. Now, if CC simply said for reason X we want to get to know you first before we can help you so we do not jepordise a persons business, then I would have understood with no problem. But for him, and everyone else, to even waste their time posting comments reminding me that I just signed up sounds like a gang of third grade instegators.

For anyone new to the thread, let me generaly state that I'm not begging for anyones help. If you cannot or willnot post a reply to answers my question then please show a little restraint and do not post a comment. I would hate to have to go through a bucket of bad apples to find one good one.


Charles :D

Show some repect you immature snot nosed punk. You owe me and this board an apology for your rude and disrespectful comments. Until you do, your stay here will not be pleasant.

Again, you'd do yourself a big favor by proofreading your posts before you "add reply"
redboi18 said:
I'm well aware of the legality issues, but also that it still goes on. How can I format a thread to ask a question considered taboo?

That's just it; you can't. I've been here the better part of a year and no one has openly told me anything, I just sort of figured it out for myself.

Its not that hard, really.
Pyre said:
redboi18 said:
I'm well aware of the legality issues, but also that it still goes on. How can I format a thread to ask a question considered taboo?

That's just it; you can't. I've been here the better part of a year and no one has openly told me anything, I just sort of figured it out for myself.

Its not that hard, really.
Don't waste your time explaining anything to this moron.
It's been pointed out on numerous occasions that there is a PINNED thread specifically to avoid stupid threads like this one. He chose to ignore both the pinned threads as well as awknowledging that they are there.

Red Foreman says it best... "Dumbass..."
coventrycat86 said:
Show some repect you immature snot nosed punk.



Again, you'd do yourself a big favor by proofreading your posts before you "add reply"

:p :p :p
Oh yeah, where'd you get those pants - the pants store?

(eddited 4 splng)
Oh, this is gonna be good. Anyone wanna start a pool on how long before the meltdown?


(Wonder if we'll get a new record?!)

do yourself a favor red- make ammends, hang around, contribute to the board, do some trades, join a pass and you never know - good things come to those that are PATIENT, TRUSTED and RESPECTED here.

Popping popcorn for the show...
In all fairness, redboi18 did initially ask that the actual discussion be taken to email.

Aside from that Redboi18 ... I think you could best expand your knowledge of habanos by becoming an active member here. Read, join in discussions, purchase some samplers or 5-packs, maybe join a box pass (like the website name suggests).

These will all get you where you want to be ... with the possible added benefit of new friends and sources (hint). :p

Have a good day!
redboi18 said:
Hey, this is the internet, and not the real world, right? Now, I never walk away from confrontations face to face then what is a person behind a computer screen in another state? I'm only eighteen, so that there pretty much rules out me being any sort of law enforcement officer. I joined this form to further expand my knowledge on cigars, not be told by a bunch of people who seem to be suffereing from paranoia that im a CIA agent. Now, if CC simply said for reason X we want to get to know you first before we can help you so we do not jepordise a persons business, then I would have understood with no problem. But for him, and everyone else, to even waste their time posting comments reminding me that I just signed up sounds like a gang of third grade instegators.

For anyone new to the thread, let me generaly state that I'm not begging for anyones help. If you cannot or willnot post a reply to answers my question then please show a little restraint and do not post a comment. I would hate to have to go through a bucket of bad apples to find one good one.


Charles :D

Red - " got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, know when to run..."

If you want confrontation, I'm sure you'll find quite a few to take you up on that offer (and you're well on your way...). If you want to participate, get some useful information, make some buddies - you better cool your jets. You're not doing yourself any favors.

If you don't care - well - I'm sure your PM and e-mail box will sound like this...

Red's Mailbox