Understanding that there were issues that required my attention, I would like to first and foremost say thank you.
Not really wanting to share all of the personal issues that occurred for me and my family, I feel it is necessary to share in an attempt to let you know where I was and where I am and where we hope to be.
Back in February, 2011, I took a leap of faith and gave up a very stable corporate position in order to do humidor building full time. Things were going well, orders taken and addressed and wanted to keep on keeping on. Well, First part of April, I think… I cut my thumb off. Major setback in trying to move forward. My progress slowed down to probably 25% of what I intended to do, but, I kept on trucking on. Relying on one box at a time. Sometimes I would do 3 or 4….but, nonetheless… progress was slowed.
My thumb started healing and I was able to pick up the pace again… and then, right at the beginning of June, my 80 mother, who lived in Minnesota – me in Charleston, required some life threatening major surgery which ultimately required my relocation to Minnesota mid August. Leaving much behind in Charleston, including my gal, Terri, something that I didn’t want to do, but the call from the family left me in the position to be the one to come back.
I brought most of my shop with me and set up and continued to work on humidors, albeit disjointed with my woman in SC and working through one box at a time. In keeping with my idea of trying to provide affordable humidors, my profits were not substantial enough to get back on track where I need to be. A lot of time was spent working the family issues and I was in fact staying at my mother’s home taking care of things and focusing more on just “getting by” versus making a living.
I was finally able to obtain my own place mid-December and Terri gave up her business in South Carolina to come and work with me at the end of January. Since her arrival, we have been structuring what our focus is going to be and how to get there. I have not had an extra dime to my name to during this time.
With Terri’s assistance, working with me and providing focus on bringing product out in order to be a functioning shop, she designed and we built several newer “models” – with the hopes that we will be able to continue these relatively inexpensive models to assist with the cash flow as well as provide a quality, low cost humidor and still afford the time required to build customs.
As stated, there are a lot of nuances and finicky things in humidor building, and I have learned a lot along the way. Especially from world class builders like the Humidor Minister, for which I have great respect.
Life simply got in the way. I never once told anybody that I would not stand behind what I do and I have been forthcoming that things were not good for me at the moment… with that being said, Things can only get better as my gal is with me, we are focused on providing that which we do and in turn, hopeful that by doing this will provide what is required to get caught up on my obligations out there.
I am not seeking any sort of sympathy or such, but the circumstances and the timing of such could not have been worse over the course of the last year.
Yes, I am building and (hopefully) selling humidors, but, all that I’ve posted have not sold and the expense of building them still exists, rent for the shop, tools, miscellaneous shop supplies, etc, etc, etc… those are an effort to get the revenue going so I can take care of the obligations for the poor quality that these two gentlemen received – as well as take care of other obligations that keep nipping at the ankles.
I had not anticipated refunding in to the equation, and it was an offer that I made to fix the problem. Soon after the offer was made, the proverbial crap hit the fan….and I have been crawling out of the hole slowly but surely. Getting better every day.
Again, I’ve not ignored David or Josh – simply couldn’t do anything other than survive, one box at a time. I believe that things have finally settled down and lessons have been learned and Terri & I are focused. But, it will take some more time, as I am constantly in the shop building…. And things are starting to turn around for us…. But we have a little ways to go.
We’ll get there and David & Josh will be treated fairly for their patience (which I know they are losing daily).
Hope that helps clear the air, it’s the truth anyways.