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Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner Pass


Here ducky, ducky, ducky!
Aug 25, 2001
OK, I’m one that loves to smoke a cigar after I eat. It doesn’t matter if its breakfast, lunch, or dinner…..you can bet a smoke is following :) . I’m proposing for my first pass that it be centered around one of the three daily meals. Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner Pass

Here’s the setup…… I will start this pass off with the following tasty line up :

CAO Anniversary
Pardomo Reserve Cabinet Series
Pardomo Estate
Sancho Panza Belicosos (isom)
Monte #2 (isom)
R&J Belicosos (isom)
Partagas Short (isom)
2 - Padron Anniversary Maduro Exclusivo
Padron Anniversary Maduro Principe
2 – Padrom 3000 Maduro
Punch Rothchilds Maduro Maduro
Opus X Power Ranger :)
Opus X Super Belicoso :)

Each passer will pick a meal…. Breakfast, Lunch , or Dinner….. and after they have finished with their puts and takes, must include something for the next passer from their neck of the woods to go along with one of the meals. This could be anything that would go with one of the three meals….jelly, marinades, wines, spices, peanuts, filet mignon, …. Use your imagination…anything goes! Do not feel like you can not send a similar gift as a previous passer.... Example - I am sending coffee and this does not prevent another passer from sending coffee. Please gift something you would like to receive yourself. Each passer does his takes and puts, takes his gift from the previous passer and adds his own for the next passer. I will need to ask for exceptional wrapping/packaging if your gift includes anything breakable.

I will start this thing by choosing Breakfast and sending to everyone 1 bag of Kona and 1 bag of Kenya coffee. I will ship these individually to each passer when the pass starts. My compliments for being so generous with your puts.

I have sent Darren an e-mail to join CPI. I’m hoping to have insurance before the pass starts. I will expect the obvious from every passer with no exceptions. Take what you want but put back an equal or better amount/quality of smokes. Isom for isom…. Any questions about your puts for takes e-mail me. Please wrap your smokes well…. nobody needs pipe tobacco. If the box needs to be replaced, replace it. USPS Priority Mail with Confirmation and $300 insurance…..again, no exceptions! Post when you receive the pass. Post again after you have put the pass back on the road with your puts and takes, Confirmation # and Ins. # . One last time….. if you have a question e-mail me first.

Hmmmmm, lets see…….did I forget anything? I’ll take 10 passers….. E-mail me with snailers and Bon Appetit

Great idea for your first pass - a very creative concept. Excellent starting lineup of cigars. I'm all over this one! Snailer sent. Really looking forward to this pass.

Sam J. :cool:
Yeehawwwww.....my first victim...I mean passer... :p :p :p
Thank you Sam.....I'm honored! Glad to have you on board.

Next victim?
Add another placemat to the table....thats two for dinner....:D :D Thank you Matt and welcome to the feast :cool: Again, I am honored!

Ok people, there's room for 8 more at the table..... Who's hungry? :)
Have you really seen a picture of me?
I don't miss a meal. That being said I couldn't truly miss
a pass that offers coffee to start.
Question - If we ship meat couldn't that be used as a humidifier itself? Dohh!
Allofus123....Sounds like a cool pass to me. Snailer sent!(I'm Floyd, by the way) :lookup: Forgot to add that to my e-mail.
Good luck with the pass.

Alright :cool: Mike and Floyd....you have the dishes...:D :D

6 more place settings at the table. :thumbs: The chefs are firing up the stoves and chilling the wine....:love:

Some of you have sent me your phone # ....... I like that. I have no use for it other then if a problem arose so if everyone else would be so kind it sure would be appreciated.
I would love to play. This looks like a first class pass. I will send you my addy by messenger.

Pull up a chair Bob... Always happy to break bread with a fellow Texan. :D Wow, I just found Pampa, TX...... you're almost in Canada..... :p :thumbs: :p

Thats five down and five to go :cool: We're half way there on the first day......This is way cool.......I've had to change my pants twice today :D
I don't know about the rest of you guys but I think Sam is kissing arse here....:D :D and judging from his La Luna LHB pass it seems to work. I about fell out my chair reading Devins puts....:0 :0 WOW! Now thats class, or, he's freaking out after sobering up and seeing what he put! ;)

Here Devin, Devin, Devin......... :)
I'll go at it, but you'll need to mix us Texan's up in the mix lest we all send each other picante sauce!:0 :love: God, I can drink that stuff by the gallon. :D
OK Mark, make sure you wash your hands before coming to this table. :D Wow, almost half my passers are Texans so far. :cool: Should I change the name to "Y'all come and get it pass"? :p ;) :p

Thats six down and four more to go. I'm juiced up guys..... I can't work.....I can't sleep....I can't make love to my wife.....
Wellllllll.......2 out of 3 anyway :0 :sign: :0

Oh yea, before I forget.....I will be out of town this Thursday and Friday. I will be able to check my e-mail in the evenings. Should the pass fill up it will go out Saturday.
2 out 3 ..... So, you are getting plenty of sleep eh? LMAO

When are we supposed to say which meal? I'm gonna pick lunch. :)
I must be slipping - I can't believe this went so long without me signing up. Please add me to the list. I've got a nice bottle of wine for dinner.

Dave :cool:
Man O Man O Man.......three more to the table......Peter, Dave, and Mel....welcome to the feast. :) I can see from the group we have here that this could get interesting.... :lookup:

One more player and Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner is served... :D :D