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Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner Pass

Sorry for the late & quick post. As expected, today is just a whirlwind of activity. Getting a couple of priority pages from work didn't help much either. I managed to miss UPS today (holiday hours). Never fear. I'll post everything and ship on Wednesday. Gotta run - my dad's hosting X-Mas eve dinner.

Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Dave :D :thumbs: :D
Alrighty everyone, here we go....
Mels transactions:
Takes (as best as I can read them):
Victor Bohemian
Black Label ARistoff
El Ray Del Mundo
Cuban Paredo
Puts (once again, as best as I can tell...):
RyJ 125
Mayorga Tubos
La Fonca Cheeroot
HdM Excalibur 1066
Hoya de Cortez Rimera Calidad
FOUR Hoya de Nicaragua

And my little transactions.....
PAM figadoro

Juan Lopez Habana (ISOM)
Fuente Fuente OpusX

I'll be shipping later, but we have a small problem... I know we all agreed to ship UPS or FedEx, but I'm forced to ship via USPS because the next person on the list (Devon Cole) has a PO Box address. I'll insure it and get a tracking # of sorts.

Thanks everyone!

BTW, I'll bring the wine to dinner!
Allofus 123, Sam The Man, Matt R, and hbooker all used USPS.

So it is certainly good enough for me.  :)
Devin's right on David. I think you are confusing the UPS/Fedex shipping with another pass. I didn't specify how to ship, just package it well and get it on the road again! :) I'd settle for sending it by Pony Express if it would get there quicker.....haha! :thumbs:

Thanks David for posting up Mels puts and takes. I'm not at home to update the list for Devin but I'm sure he'll be able to make heads and tails out of the smokes. Thanks for your puts. Can't say I've ever tried a Juan Lopez....... which is what I love about these box passes. So many cigars to try....
As with all the others, it was a honor to have you take part in my first pass. Thanks Again!

OK Devin, one more mouth to feed here and we can start clearing the table. Coming at you brother....enjoy! :cool:
Almost forgot to post this.....

Delivery confirmation #: 0103 8555 7490 1511 1826
Insurance # VA 981 399 395 US

Thanks again!
Well, who is going to pay for my doctor bills since my back just went out..........LMAO.

Dave, thank you for the excellent wine!!!

This has to be the biggest box ever to come through my post office! I have opened the box and everything looks good.

However there is a SMALL problem! No return address for Kenny anywhere in the box. :(  

So, I guess it is all mine....... :D  :D  :D

Please email me your addy, and I will get the box right out, and post my puts and takes, along with the Conf # and Insurance #.

Thanks!!!  :)
I will have to mail this pass out (hopefully) Monday, as I have not received an address yet.  :(
Kenny, I just looked up your personal information on CP and BINGO! I am used to seeing nothing in them..........LMAO.

I will have it in the mail on Monday!

Thanks. :D
BWAAAHAHAHA!!! Just label it to BIG DUMMY :lookup:

Would have gotten back to you sooner but I've been at a Herf in Ft Worth and just got back home today. I'm not moving or thinking very clearly right now.....might have had something to do with the margarita machine :cool:

Bring in on home to Papa.....I'm ready for desert!

Got a contest for everyone that participated in the pass. Guess the time of day this pass gets home. Obvious this contest is over once I receive it! :thumbs: Closes one to the correct time of day will get a special package of goodies I picked up at the Herf. Yum Yum! ;) In case of a tie, whoever post first will be the winner. I do reserve the right to change the rules at anytime for any reason. All immeadiate family members are not eligible. Must be at least 21 yrs of age. All Local, State, And Federal laws apply. Any resemblance of actual Cigars from Cuba are for entertainment purposes only. :D
The box will be delivered to your doorstep at 1415 (that's military time, silly!). You know where to send my prize..... :D

Dave :sign: :sign: :sign:
This pass is on the the last leg home!  :)  :D  :p

Diplomatico No. 5
Partagas Short

Padron Millennium Maduro
Cohiba Siglo IV
Diamnond Crown #6 Maduro (Unreleased)
Diamond Crown #7 Maduro
Quai D' Orsay Gran Corona
Anejo #55 (New)
Padron Anniversary Exclusivo natural
Opus X #2
Opus X SB

PM conf# 0301 0120 0010 7843 1436
Insurance # VB 523 728 498 US

I am bring the T-Bones and the desert. :D  :D  :D

Thanks for a great pass gentlemen!! Have a Happy New Year!
I am humbled Devin....... I'm tongued tied, and if you asked anyone that knows me, that just doesn't happen very often.
Thank you for closing out this dinner party with such an elegant flair as you have become known for. All I can say is Wow! If you ever find yourself around Houston let me know and I'll show you just how we grill T-Bones down here...... it'll make you want to slap someone! :D Thanks again bro !

Guys, this was fun.... I really did enjoy hosting this pass. All of you added to the fun. Thanks to each and everyone of you for being in my first pass. I know it won't be my last!

Don't forget to post a time of day you think this pass will make it home to me.
I'll guess 1537 hours. :D Who knows, I may get lucky!

I hope the box arrives quickly and safely. Enjoy the new smokes! :p

No box yet but wanted to clarify something........

I'm only looking for the time of day you believe it will arrive, not the date. You're welcome to change your guess as many times as you like, up until the pass lands on my doorstep. :thumbs:
12:38 (about there should be right for Kenny's mail carriers schedule) - Dont ask...